Vice-Captain Announcement – Welcome Chris Patterson


I am writing to you with an update to our Board and Committee with the announcement that we have a new Vice-Captain and delighted to welcome Chris Patterson to that role.

You may recall that Les Biscomb accepted the role of Vice Captain at our AGM, on the understanding that he was filling a void and would willingly step aside when the eventual long-term candidate was identified.

In the short time since Les was appointed, he has done an incredible job as Convenor of the Sponsorship Sub-Committee. Les was the driving force behind the Members Appeal Fund which has raised £11,600 for club funds, while he has also helped secure several new sponsorship deals which, given the current economic climate, is a significant achievement in bringing additional finance into the club.

Les has also led the work on the Social Sub-Committee, who have been working diligently in the background, preparing for the end of lockdown restrictions with an exciting and varied programme of club social events. I am sure that this hard work will bear fruit when we can re-open the clubhouse and enjoy the company of others in a social context. I would like to extend a personal thanks to Les for his significant contribution and dedication over the past few months and look forward to his continued support on the two sub-committees going forward.

Please now allow me to introduce Chris Patterson, our new Vice Captain.

Chris is a Chartered Civil Engineer who works for Jacobs in Edinburgh where he leads the company’s UK Ports and Maritime team.

Chris has a long association with Peebles Golf Club having been a club member for 36 years since joining as a junior in the mid-1980s. Chris also previously served on the committee for a number of years during which time he held the role of Competitions Convenor. Out with golf, some of you may also know Chris from his involvement in various other activities in the town including the Highland Games where he has chaired the organising committee for several years.

Chris is married to Kellie and they have two young boys, Callum and Harris. Although helping to raise his family has reduced the amount of golf that Chris has been able to play over the last few years, he has still managed to maintain a handicap of 6. With his son, Callum, having recently joined the junior section, Chris intends to spend a lot more time on the golf course again in the years ahead.

I am personally delighted to announce Chris’s appointment as he is embedded in our club traditions and history and also brings a significant skillset to the board and committee. When I invited Chris to be our Vice Captain, his first reaction was to say: “…he was very honoured and proud to be asked”. This made his decision fairly easy and I am very much looking forward to working with Chris, the board of directors and general committee as we take Peebles Golf Club onwards and upwards.

In closing, I would like to thank every member for their fantastic support during these challenging times and wish you continued enjoyment of the course in the months ahead.

Gavin Carruthers, Club Captain