Happy New Year, Everyone

After the snow and ice of the last couple of weeks the green sward of the golf course bathed in Spring like sunshine was a welcome sight for 23 TAMS venturing forth for the first outing of the New Year.

Conditions, however, were challenging reflected in a wide range of scores. Roger Key was leader in the clubhouse early on with 18 points. John Cairns,however, having scored 4 points at the first, returned 19 points to take the honours.

John Varney was nearest the pin at 7.


TAMS will be well represented at this Saturday'sBurns Supper.


Results for 19th December. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE !🎅🌲

Despite a frosty morning with a bitter northerly 24 TAMS turned up to find we were on the main greens.  There was a wide range of scores but Tony Kinder and Graeme Murray both returned 21 points with Tony taking the honours after countback, 9 points to 7. Birdies there were none. Sandy Morris took nearest the pin at 7.


The next TAMS day will be the 9th January.


Festive Greetings to all our readers.

TAMS Results and Christmas meal

17 TAMS braved a frosty morning to work up an appetite for the Xmas lunch. Overall scoring was in the low teens. However Gordon Fisher, who has been second twice recently, must have thought with 23 points he could be this week's winner. John Varney posted a personal best 24 points to thwart Gordon's hopes.  Gordon also birdied 9 with Chris Malcolm taking nearest the pin at 7.


The Xmas Lunch


34 TAMS enjoyed an excellent Xmas lunch. The food and service were of the highest quality. Well done David and his team!


Trophy Winners were:  

The Winter Competition 23/24      

1st   A Lambie 

  2nd S Morris


The Roddie McAlpine Gavel          

1st A Lambie

                                                                                     2nd G Mackie


 The Ken Bowie Salver                  

 1st I Quigley

                                                                                             2nd DW Gittos


  The John Forsyth Putter                

 1st S Backzowski

                                                                                             2nd J Cairns


  The Summer Competition              

  1st D Little

                                                                                              2nd B Taylor


    The Stanley Ridgeway Trophy        

 1st W  Hardscastle

                                                                                          2nd J Douglas


  The Scramble                                  

 Team Walker, Morris and Hardcastle


The trophy winners were all warmly applauded but a particular highlight was when 97 year old Stevie Backzowski was announced as the winner of The John Forsyth Putter.


Graham Mackie read out a 'Letter from Canada' from David Wallace which was much appreciated by the group.


Jim Walker gave a vote of thanks to George, Brian and Graham for keeping the TAMS Bus on the road.


Jim Douglas thanked David Forsyth for looking after the inter club Seniors Matches which are well supported by Several TAMS.


Results for December 5th

21 TAMS appreciated a less severe winter's morning than recently experienced. Runaway winner with 22 points was John Cairns. Initially it was thought that 3 players were tied on 17 points for second place but a handicap check put Graham Fairclough on 18 for second place. Graham Mackie was nearest at 7.


A good turnout is expected for next week's Xmas lunch when the year's trophy winners will be confirmed.

Results for Nov 28th

Despite freezing temperatures and a hard frost  22 players braved the challenge of winter golf in Peebles.
Gordon Fisher had 21 points for second place and a birdie at the 4 th.

Jim Douglas had 22 points for first place.

Chris Malcolm and Graham Mackie both had birdies at the 5 th.

Christmas meal requirements to be e-mailed to Brian Robson at ieston5@tiscali.co.uk

by 5 th Dec.

George Langlands- Master of the conditions!

Despite freezing temperatures and hard frosts over the last 2 days 10 souls braved the challenge of winter golf in Peebles. Skill will out ,however, reflected in Gordon Fisher's 20 points for second place and George Langlands' 21 points for first [including a blob at 7 ].  Graham Mackie had a small birdie at 9 having just failed for the big one!


Carlos Maeso seemed to enjoy his first, somewhat frosty, TAMS outing.

Results for November 14th

The TAMS teed off in Autumn sunshine as a sea of fog enveloped the town below. A widespread hoar frost coupled with fallen leaves and the low sun angle made ball finding difficult. This was reflected in low scores-13 points being a popular return. Two of our most recent members, however, rose to the occasion, Jimmy Mair taking second place from Ian Tate and Keith Ackerman after countback  with 15 points while Willie Waters took first with 16 points.


Brian Taylor was nearest the pin at 7.

31 October

27 players conveniently formed 9 teams of 3 for the Ian Tate scramble. The result will be announced at the Xmas lunch but it was quite clear that everyone enjoyed the format.

Sandy Morris's 80th birthday was duly recognised and Bob from Royal Liverpool was given an appropriate welcome to his first TAMS experience.


This year's sponsorship of £400 for the Peebles juniors was confirmed.


Results and news 24th October

No Putter comp was played today.

Only scores that counted were puts on the Green which were carried out by any other club except the putter.

Results will be divulged during the Christmas lunch.


Ian Tate had a birdie on the 5th and Brian Robson had a birdie on the 9th.

Ken Davies was nearest the pin.


Bob Bennett, a new member will be taking part in the scramble next week.


Congratulations to David Wallace who has become a grandfather again ( baby boy ).

Results for 10th October

The first fairly hard frost of the Autumn did not deter some 24 TAMS from playing. The sandy/tined greens made putting a challenge. Chris Malcolm and Ian Tate tied on 16 points, Chris taking second place after countback. Graham Mackie took first with 18 points. Chris also birdied 5 and 7 while Graeme Murray birdied 9 and Drew Lowe took nearest the pin honours at 7.


We plan to play for the JF Putter in 2 weeks time [no putters allowed], and the IT Scramble the following week.


Our Xmas lunch is booked for Thursday the 12th in the clubhouse.