Meet the Team — a warm and friendly welcome is guaranteed from the staff, committee and volunteers at Peebles Golf Club...

Club Management & Staff:

Club Secretary / Manager: Stuart Pender

Club Administration Assistants: Sarah Waldie & Paula Smith

Head Greenkeeper: Steven Borthwick

Greenkeepers: Lewis Thomson, Jacob Cunliffe, Jack Phillips

Teaching Professionals: Ailsa Murphy & Steve Johnston

Golf Shop: Ailsa Murphy, Frankie Masson, Mike Rowse & Brian Smith

Bar Manager: Calum Chisholm

Catering: David Ross Catering Limited

Andy Pretswell Club Captain

Andy Pretswell is our Club Captain for 2024 - 25, having served as vice-captain under Chris Patterson for the previous two years. An active junior member of the club in his younger days, he returned to Peebles in 2014 and rejoined the Club, having hung up his football boots. Outwith the club, he works for Heineken in Edinburgh as a Network Analyst, and has been on the committee for the past two years, also volunteering with our Driving Range team. A very competitive golfer playing off 4, he can be found on the short game area when not on the course!

Club Committee:

*Denotes Board Members

Vice-Captain: Denise Richards*

Finance Convenor: James Young*

Greens Convenor: Gavin Carruthers*

Match & Handicap Convenor: Tony Farndon

Marketing Convenor: Ross Duncan

Social Convenor: Brian Taylor

House Convenor: Currently Vacant

Junior Convenor: Warwick Brown

General Committee: Craig McDonald*

General Committee: Eve Hunter

General Committee: Mike Foley