In a weeks time the 2025 golf season will get under way in Peebles and the senior inter-club matches start in late April. The fixtures are on the seniors section of the club website and also on the senior noticeboard. The first match is against Innerleithen away on Thursday 24 April followed by the first home match on Wednesday 30 Aprilagainst North Berwick. The cost for each match will be maintained at £12 (cash), home matches will include tea/coffee and a bacon roll before the match with a one course meal after and away matches will have a similar arrangement. An availability sheet for each match will be posted on the noticeboard in the clubhouse about 4 weeks before the match and a team will then be posted on the noticeboard about 10 days before each match and will also be emailed to everyone on the availability sheet. These matches are competitive but played in a friendly atmosphere and are usually enjoyed by all golfers taking part in them. I look forward to seeing people playing in these matches whether they are the usual people who support these matches or new faces who are interested in getting involved in these matches.


Dave Forsyth

Seniors’ Fixtures 2025

Seniors’ Fixtures 2025


Innerleithen​ Away​         Thursday 24 April

North Berwick  Home    Wednesday 30 April

Torwoodlee    ​ Home       Thursday 15 May

Minto​​ Home ​      Thursday 29​​ May

Longniddry​ Home​      Thursday 12 June

Carnwath​​ Away​​       Friday 20 June

Broomieknowe   Away Thursday 3 July

Torwoodlee​ Away​      Thursday 10 July

Craigielaw​          Away​       Thursday 24 July

West Linton​ Home     Thursday 21August

Carnwath​          Home​      Friday 29 August

Minto​           Away​   Thursday 11 Sept

Glencorse​​ Home       Thursday 25 Sept

Longniddry          Away     Thursday 2 Oct

North Berwick    Away​      Wednesday 8 Oct



Welcome to the 2025 Season

As senior captain I would like to wish all Seniors a Happy New Year and Happy Golfing for 2025. As stated in the club newsletter we are now just 2 months away from the start of the new season and also just 3 months away from the first of the senior matches. The match fixtures have now been published by the club and will also appear on this blog page and the club noticeboard. Availability sheets will be posted on the club noticeboard about 1 month before each match. A teamsheet will be emailed to everyone on the availability sheet and also posted on the noticeboard about 10 days before each match. 

The cost for each match has been held at £12(cash). 

I look forward to seeing many of the old faces and also some new ones in the 2025 matches. 

Dave Forsyth 

Summary of the 2024 season.

Overall this season in the friendly senior matches Peebles won 7, lost 7 and drew 1. Two of the seven Home matches that were lost were balanced by two of the eight Away matches being won with one away match halved. All of the matches lost were quite close affairs except for the away matches at Minto and Torwoodlee (5.5: 0.5). In the matches won there were 2 scores of 6:0 and 3 scores of 5:1 including a 5:1 away win at Broomieknowe whilst the away win at West Linton was most notable in that this was the only home match West Linton lost all year. 


Finally can I just say a great big thank you to all those senior members who have supported the club by playing in these matches whether it be just the once or whether it be in nearly every match and look out for the fixtures in 2025 which are being made up at present.

A very close match at North Berwick in challenging conditions.

With the current yellow weather warning it was touch and go whether to play the final match of the season at North Berwick or postpone it until November. However with no certainty as regards good weather and course conditions in November plus the likelihood from recent experiences about the weather forecast not being as bad as predicted it was decided just to go ahead with the match as planned. So with a very strong and chilly northerly wind but most importantly no rain the match was played as scheduled. The course was in excellent condition and the greens which had been cored about 2 weeks ago had fully recovered. The catering and bar staff served us well both before and after the match and once again everybody enjoyed the course and the company despite the challenging conditions. 

Results Game 1 Peebles lost 2&1; Game 2 Peebles lost 3&2; Game 3 Peebles won 2 up; Game 4 Peebles won 4&2; Game 5 Peebles lost 2&1; Game 6 all square - overall North Berwick 3.5 Peebles 2.5

A tight match and an honourable draw at Longniddry!

The match against Longniddry started in typical October weather conditions - a wee bit chilly and overcast/misty but soon the sun burned through to leave us playing golf in bright sunny dry and almost windless conditions. As in all our friendly matches this year no matter the score everybody got on well with everyone in the group and enjoyed the encounter. Results Game 1 Peebles lost 2 down; Game 2 Peebles lost 4&3; Game 3 Peebles won 2&1; Game 4 Peebles won 2 up; Game 5 Peebles lost 7&6; Game 6 Peebles won 1 up - Overall Longniddry 3 Peebles 3 - an honourable draw. 

Team for Match v North Berwick on 9th October


v  North Berwick

Away Wednesday

9th October 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(20.7)/Mike Griggs(18.7)

2. Tommy Forbes(15.2)/John Varney(38.9)

3. Ian Tate(17.1)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)

4. Jim Cleland(18.2)/George Cunningham(28.2)

5. Adrian Swanston(18.6)/Brian Taylor(25.1)

6. Andy Tucker(19.2)/Gary Rodgers(20.1)

Reserves: Jim Douglas(26.5)possibly; Ken Davey(19.8); Geof Lawson(14.3)


Tea & Coffee from 09.15

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590




Back to winning ways for Peebles with a narrow victory at West Linton

On a cold wet blustery day we at last played our match at West Linton. At least about half way round the rain went off but it was still very windy with 40 mph gusts at times. The course was obviously wet with puddles in places and unfortunately the greens were not in as good condition as forecasted or as they were earlier in the season due to tinning having taken place recently. However despite this everyone enjoyed the company and also playing the course. Results Game 1 Peebles won 3&2; Game 2 Peebles won 1up; Game 3 Peebles won 3&2; Game 4 all square; Game 5 Peebles lost 1 down; Game 6 Peebles lost 3&2 - overall Peebles 3.5 West Linton 2.5. Apparently the first match West Linton have lost this year.

We now move into October and our final 2 matches at Longniddry and North Berwick.

The Peebles team loses out narrowly at Glencorse

Once again we had wonderful weather conditions for our match at Glencorse with bright dry and at times sunny weather (we were very lucky as I passed the course the next day and it was fairly misty). The course like many others this year was damp in places and probably did not have as much run on the fairways as usual. The match also allowed us a sneak preview of what to expect from the caterers who will be taking over in Peebles at the end of the summer. Results - Game 1 Peebles lost 3&2; Game 2 Peebles won 3&2; Game 3 Peebles lost 3&1; Game 4 Peebles won 3&2; Game 5 Peebles lost 2&1; Game 6 Peebles lost by 1 hole - Overall Glencorse 4 Peebles 2.


Team for match v Longniddry (away) Thursday 3rd October


v  Longniddry

Away Thursday

3rd October 2024


Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(20.7)/Brian Taylor(25.1)

2. Ian Campbell(14.9)/John Varney(38.9)

3. Tommy Forbes(15.2)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)

4. Ian Tate(17.1)/Mike Rowse(29.7)

5. Ken Davey(19.8)/George Cunningham(28.2)

6. Steve Matthews(20.8)/ John Cairns(21.6)


Reserves:   Possibly Jim Douglas(26.5)??


Tea & Coffee TBC

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590




Team for match v West Linton (away) Thursday 26th September


v  West Linton

Away Thursday

       26th September 2024​


Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(21.4)/John Cairns(21.6)

2. Tommy Forbes(15.2)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)

3. Vick Roberts(15.6)/George Cunningham(28.2)

4. Ian Tate(16.9)/Jim Douglas(26.3)

5. Gary Rodgers(19.6)/Brian Taylor(25.1)

6. Ken Davey(19.8)/Alister Lambie(23.8)


Reserves:   Nil


Tea & Coffee – 9.15

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590






A disappointing result at Minto

The match at Minto was played on yet another fine day weather-wise although it was quite chilly at the start it warmed up when the sun came out. The course was in good condition although like many other courses this summer was wet in places and had very little run on it. As per usual every game was played in good spirit and enjoyed by all who took part. Results - Game 1 Peebles lost 5&4; Game 2 Peebles lost 2 up; Game 3 Peebles lost 4&3; Game 4 All square; Game 5 Peebles lost 2&1; Game 6 Peebles lost 2&1 0verall Minto 5.5 Peebles 0.5.

Team for match v Glencorse ( away) on Thursday 19th September


v  Glencorse

Away Thursday

19th September 2024


Allocated pairs

1. Ken Davey(19.8)/Dave Forsyth(20.1)

2. David Wright(9.3)/John Varney(38.9)

3. Tommy Forbes(14.9)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)

4. Vic Roberts(16.0)/George Cunningham(28.2)

5. Ian Tate(16.6)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

6. Mike Griggs(19.1)/ John Cairns(21.6)


Reserves:   Steve Matthews(20.8)


Tea & Coffee 8:15am

Tee off 9am

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590






Peebles Seniors’ Team wins the last home game of the season.

The match against Carnwath at home due to the weather forecast was in doubt right up until the last moment. However the conditions were much better than the forecast predicted with only some light rain at the start, sunshine later on and quite a warm temperature with many players finishing in shorts and a polo shirt. This was our final home match for the season and as with all our other matches at home it was played in a good friendly manner with everyone enjoying each other's company as well as the course condition and also the food both before and after the match. Results - Game 1 ended all square; Game 2 Peebles won 5&3; Game 3 Peebles lost 3&2; Game 4 Peebles won 5&4; Game 5 Peebles won 6&4; Game 6 Peebles won 1 up - overall Peebles won 4.5:1.5 so finishing our home matches on a high.


The final 5 matches are all away from home - Minto on 12 September, Glencorse on 19 September, West Linton on 26 September, Longniddry on 3 October and finally North Berwick on 9 October.

Team for match v Minto (away)


v  Minto

Away Thursday

12th September 2024


Allocated pairs

1. Ken Davey(19.8)/Dave Forsyth(20.1)

2. Mick Adams(11.5)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)

3. Ian Campbell(14.6)/George Cunningham(28.2)

4. Vick Roberts(16.0)/Jim Douglas(26.3)

5. Ian Tate(16.6)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

6. Mike Griggs(19.1)/ John Cairns(21.6)


Reserves:   David Wright(9.3), John Varney(38.9), Andy Tucker(19.2)


Tea & Coffee TBC

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590




Team for match v Carnwath Tuesday 27th August (Home)


v  Carnwath

Home Tuesday

27th August 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Tommy Forbes(14.7)/Dave Forsyth(19.8)

2. David Wright(9.3)/John Varney(38.9)

3. Mick Adams(11.7)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)

4. Alex Stavert(13.7)/Jim Douglas(26.3)

5. Ian Campbell(14.6)/David Little(21.7)

6. Jim Cleland(17.2)/Sandy Burnett(17.4)


Reserves:   Kenny Scott(13.7), John Cairns(21.6), Alister Lambie(23),

                    Brian Taylor(25.4), Ian Tate(16.6), Ken Davey(19.8), George Cunningham(28.2)


Tea & Coffee from 9.30

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590




Team for Match v West Linton (away) on 22August


v  West Linton

Away Thursday

22nd August 2024


Allocated pairs

1. Ian Tate(16.6)/Dave Forsyth(19))

2. David Wright(9.3)/Mike Rowse(28.5)

3. Mick Adams(11.7)/George Cunningham(28.2)

4. Chris Malcolm(14.2)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

5. Tommy Forbes(15.6)/Alister Lambie(23)

6. Jim Cleland(17.2)/Ken Davey(19.8)


Reserves:   Jim Douglas(26.1), John Varney(39), Keith Ackerman(29.9)


Coffee/tea & biscuits will be available from 9.15for a first tee time of 10am. 

Matches 5&6 will start on the 17th to try to compress finishing times. A buffet lunch will be served after the match. 

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590




A comfortable home win for Peebles v Craigielaw

Weather-wise the day was dull and overcast with the grass wet and lush so that there was not much run on the course. However surprisingly enough despite some very dark clouds passing overhead it did not rain. The lack of run probably affected the Craigielaw players more than the Peebles ones which is reflected in the result. 

Match 1 Peebles won 6&4, Match 2 Peebles lost 5&4, Match 3 Peebles won 7&6, Match 4 Peebles won 1 up, Match 5 Peebles won 6&4, Match 6 Peebles won 6&4 - overall result Peebles 5: Craigielaw 1.

In a nice touch at the end a cake was brought out to celebrate David Raistrich's 85th birthday.

There is now a break of 4 weeks until the next match against West Linton away.

Revised team for match v Craigielaw on Thursday 25th July


v  Craigielaw

Home Thursday

25th July 2024


Allocated pairs

1. Tommy Forbes(16,2)/Dave Forsyth(18.5)

2. David Wright(9.3)/Mike Rowse(28.6)

3. Ian Campbell(14)/Jim Douglas(26.1)

4. Vic Roberts(15.7)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

5. Alan Jackson(16)/Alister Lambie(23)

6. Ian Tate(16.6)/Bill Hardcastle(18.4)


Reserves:   Nil


Tea & Coffee from 9.30

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590




Peebles lose narrowly to Torwoodlee

On an overcast day but at least one without rain Peebles hosted Torwoodlee on Thursday 11 July 2024 for the return friendly fixture from last month. The course despite all the rain in recent days was in excellent condition, all of the groups enjoyed each others company and the food was very welcome after the match. Results - Match 1 Peebles lost 4&3; Match 2 Peebles won 6&4; Match 3 Peebles won 6&5; Match 4 Peebles lost 2&1; Match 5 All Square; Match 6 Peebles lost 1 down - overall result Peebles 2.5 Torwoodlee 3.5.


The availability sheets are now on the club noticeboard for the August matches - Thursday 22nd against West Linton (away) and Tuesday 27th against Carnwath (home).