Peebles lose narrowly to Torwoodlee

On an overcast day but at least one without rain Peebles hosted Torwoodlee on Thursday 11 July 2024 for the return friendly fixture from last month. The course despite all the rain in recent days was in excellent condition, all of the groups enjoyed each others company and the food was very welcome after the match. Results - Match 1 Peebles lost 4&3; Match 2 Peebles won 6&4; Match 3 Peebles won 6&5; Match 4 Peebles lost 2&1; Match 5 All Square; Match 6 Peebles lost 1 down - overall result Peebles 2.5 Torwoodlee 3.5.


The availability sheets are now on the club noticeboard for the August matches - Thursday 22nd against West Linton (away) and Tuesday 27th against Carnwath (home).

Team for match v Craigielaw Thursday 25th July (home)


v  Craigielaw

Home Thursday

25th July 2024


Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(18.3)/Alan Jackson(16)

2. David Wright(9.3)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

3. Mick Adams(11.8)/Alister Lambie(23.6)

4. Ian Campbell(13)/David Little(22.3)

5. Vic Roberts(15.7)/Gary Rodgers(19.2)

6. Ian Tate(16.6)/Tommy Forbes(16.2)


Reserves:   Nil


Tea & Coffee from 9.30

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590



Fantastic away victory at Broomieknowe!

The match against Broomieknowe was played in better weather conditions than forecasted with no rain until the final hole for most groups and even then it was very light and short lasting. The course at Broomieknowe was in very good condition with possibly more run and slightly faster greens than Peebles. There was a 2 tee start which meant everybody finished about the same time and so were able to eat together as a large group. Everyone enjoyed the food options available and also the food itself. Again everybody enjoyed playing together in their respective groups.

Results Group 1 Peebles won 2&1, Group 2 Peebles won 3&2, Group 3 Peebles won 4&3, Group 4 Peebles lost 2 down, Group 5 Peebles won 7&5, Group 6 Peebles won 4&3 - Overall Broomieknowe 1: Peebles 5 - a rare away victory. 

Team for match v Torwoodlee (home) 11th July


v  Torwoodlee

Home Thursday

11th July 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(18.3)/Andy Tucker(19.2)

2. David Wright(9.3)/Keith Ackerman(29.7)

3. Ian Campbell(13)/Jim Douglas(25.4)

4. Vic Roberts(15.5)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

5. Tommy Forbes(16.0)/David Little(23.6)

6. Ian Tate(16.6)/Ken Davey(19.8)


Reserves:   Nil


Tea & Coffee from 9.30

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590



Team for match v Broomieknowe


v Broomieknowe AwayTUESDAY 2nd July 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(18.3)/Bill Hardcastle(18.4)

2. Ian Campbell(11.9)/Mike Rowse(28.4)

3. Alex Stavert(12.1)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

4. Geif Lawson(14.3)/Lawrence Forrest (24)

5. Tommy Forbes(15.9)/John Brown

6. Ian Tate(16.6)/Ken Davey(19.8)



Tea & Coffee from

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590




Peebles get back to winning ways against Longniddry.

A last minute call-off from J Clelland and then his replacement B Hardcastle led to Richard Leeson standing in and making his debut in Match 6. A mixed day weather - warm with sun at times but mostly dull and overcast however only the last group out got wet but only on the last 2 holes. All participants on both sides enjoyed each others company with much laughter at the meal in the clubhouse afterwards. Comments regarding the state of the course, the bar service and catering were very favourable. The scores in each individual match were - Match 1 Peebles win by one hole, Match 2 Peebles win 4&2, Match 3 Peebles win 7&5, Match 4 Peebles win 3&1, Match 5 Peebles win 3&2, Match 6 Peebles win 2 up - Overall Peebles 6 Longniddry 0. 


Team selection for match v Carnwath


v  Carnwath

Away Friday

21st June 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(18.6)/David Little(24)

2. Ian Campbell(12.4)/John Varney(39)

3. Sandy Burnett(15.1)/Mike Rowse(30,8)

4. Vic Roberts(15.2)/Keith Ackerman(29.7)

5. Ian Tate(16.6)/George Cunningham(28.2)

6. Jim Cleland(16.8)/Brian Taylor(25.4)


Reserves:   Ken Davey, John Cairns.


Tea & Coffee from

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590




Peebles suffer heavy defeat at Torwoodlee.

A last minute call-off meant I Tate replaced Steve Matthews with Ian partnering Keith in match 5 and Mike joined myself in match 1. The weather was bright to begin with but heavy rain came on for about 6 holes then it was showery and ended up bright and sunny again. Everybody enjoyed each others company, the course was lush, green and in good condition, the food was very welcome at the end. Thanks to the two Johns for sparing Peebles blushes of a whitewash. Hopefully we can reverse this result when Torwoodlee visit us on Thursday 11 July.

The next match is a home fixture against Longniddry on Thursday 13th with the team on the blog page, emailed out and will be posted on the noticeboard later this week.

Torwoodlee result

Match 1 loss by 1 hole, Match 2 loss 5&4, Match 3 loss 6&5, Match 4 loss 2&1, Match 5 loss 4&2, Match 6 A/S.

Overall Torwoodlee 5.5 Peebles 0.5

Team for Match v Longniddry 13th June


v  Longniddry

Home Thursday

13th June 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(18.6)/John Cairns (21.1)

2. Kenny Scott(12.0)/John Varney(39.0)

3. Ian Campbell(12.1)/Keith Ackerman(29.7)

4. Vic Roberts(15.2)/George Cunningham(28.2)

5. Tommy Forbes(15.4)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

6. Jim Cleland(16.8)/David Little(24.0)


Reserves:   Nil


Tea & Coffee from 0930hrs

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590



Narrow defeat for Peebles

With team captain, Dave Forsyth sustaining a prematch injury, the Peebles Seniors’ Team went into the third match of the season without it’s leader but determined to continue the winning start to the campaign.

Each match was closely contested but unfortunately Minto ran out winners by 3 and a half points to 2 and a half. As always, the match was played in a very good spirit and we look forward to the return match at Minto later in the season.

Team for Torwoodlee 4th June


v  Torwoodlee

Away Tuesday

4th June 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Dave Forsyth(18.8)/Keith Ackerman(29.7)

2. Ian Campbell(12.4)/Alister Lambie(23.6)

3. Geoff Lawson(14.3)/Brian Taylor(25.4)

4. Tommy Forbes(15.2)/George Cunningham(28.2)

5. Stevie Matthews(20.8)/Mike Rowse(30.7)

6. John Cairns(21.1)/John Varney(38.4)


Reserves:   Nil


Tea & Coffee from 0930hrs

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590


Seniors’ Team v Minto 21st May


v  Minto

Home Tuesday

21st May 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Ken Davey(20.2)/Dave Forsyth(18.8)

2. Jim Cleland(16.8)/Andy Tucker(21.5)

3. Ian Tate(16.6)/Jim Douglas(23.8)

4. Tommy Forbes(15.3)/Brian Taylor(25.8)

5. Alex Stavert(12.9)/George Cunningham(28.2)

6. Ian Campbell(12.2)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)


Reserves:   Alister Lambie(23.6), John Varney(38.4)


Tea & Coffee from 0930hrs

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590


Peebles v North Berwick April 30th

An Emphatic Win at Home to North Berwick


The weather was a bit dull and overcast at the start of this match against North Berwick but brightened up as it progressed - more so for the home side than the visiting team. Everybody involved again enjoyed the company of those they played with and the comments about the state of the course and the catering were all positive. 


Results - Match 1 Peebles won 4&2, Match 2 Peebles won 8&7, Match 3 Peebles won 6&4, Match 4 Peebles won 5&4, Match 5 Peebles won 2&1, Match 6 Peebles won 8&7- overall score Peebles 6 North Berwick 0. However I am sure North Berwick relish changing that scoreline in the return fixture on Wednesday 9th October in North Berwick.


The next match is again at Home against Minto with the team for that match going up on the noticeboard next week when the availability sheet for Torwoodlee (Away) on Tuesday June 4th will also be posted.

Peebles make a winning start to the season!

Many thanks to everyone who played in the opening match against Innerleithen especially those who filled in at the last moment (George and Malcolm). The weather was good despite a chilly wind and even hailstones for a few minutes at one stage. Everybody enjoyed the company of their playing partners both during and after the match. The catering was excellent and the course had dried up considerably with more run on the fairways than of late.


Results Match 1 was all square, Match 2 Peebles won 4&3, Match 3 Peebles won 5&4 (but Innerleithen only had 1 player unfortunately), Match 4 Peebles won 2&1, Match 5 Peebles won 4&3. Match 6 was all square - overall Peebles won 5:1.


We look forward to playing Innerleithen next year at Innerleithen although efforts might be made to return this fixture to a Home and Away in the same year and maybe even investigating the possibility of playing a return match this year - watch this space.


The next match is on Tuesday 30 April against North Berwick in Peebles and there is one change with B Robson replacing A Stavert.


Also the availability sheet for the Minto match in Peebles on Tuesday 21 May is on the noticeboard.

Team news for match v North Berwick


v  North Berwick

Home Tuesday

30th April 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Ian Tate(16.5)/Dave Forsyth(20.7)

2. I Campbell(11.5)/K Ackerman(29.9)

3. B Taylor(25.8)/J Varney(38.4)

4. K Scott(11.7)/G Cunningham(28.2)

5. D Wright(9.3)/A Stavert(14.2)

6. J Cleland(17.6)/K Davey(20.2)

Reserve: B Robson(22.5)


Tea & Coffee from 0930hrs

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590

UPDATED Team for match v Innerleithen


v  Innerleithen

Home Thursday

25th April 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Ken Davey(20.2)/Dave Forsyth(20.8)

2. Jim Cleland(17.6)/Andy Tucker(21.5

3. Ian Tate(16.5)/Jim Douglas(23.7)

4. Tommy Forbes(14.8)/Brian Taylor(25.8)

5. Alex Stavert(14.2)/Malcolm Bruce(27.3)

6. George Hirst(11.6)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)


Reserves:   Brian Robson(22.5), Bill Hardcastle(17.4)


Tea & Coffee from 0930hrs

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590



First match of the season v Innerleithen


v  Innerleithen

Home Thursday

25th April 2024

Allocated pairs

1. Stuart Pender(6.3)/Keith Ackerman(29.9)

2. Kenny Scott(11.7)/Brian Taylor(25.8)

3. Alex Stavert(14.2)/Jim Douglas(23.7)

4. Tommy Forbes(14.8)/Andy Tucker(21.5)

5. Ian Tate((16.5)/Dave Forsyth(20.6)

6. Jim Cleland(17.6)/Ken Davey(20.2)


Reserves:  Simon Dryden(11.1), Brian Robson(22.5), Bill Hardcastle(17.4)


Tea & Coffee from 0930hrs

Lunch after match.

Note: If unable to play, please contact Dave Forsyth on 07969818590



April matches

Well gents after the opening events on Saturday and Sunday plus a senior stableford on Tuesday 26 March the 2024 summer golf season is well under way. Hopefully after a fairly wet and windy winter the temperatures will pick up, the rain will disappear and the course will dry out to give us all a bit more run on our golf shots. Just a reminder that the seniors have 2 matches during April albeit near the end of the month - Innerleithen Thursday 25th April(Home) and North Berwick Tuesday 30 April(Home) both with first tee times of 10.30. Watch out for availability sheets on the senior noticeboard about a month in advance and then team sheets about 2 weeks in advance of the match.

Arrangements for the upcoming season

Senior's matches are played between Peebles and other nearby golf clubs as friendlies. I have taken over from Simon Dryden as senior captain and so am responsible for organising these matches over the next two years.

A list of the fixtures for these matches can be found in a variety of places - 1) online at the Peebles Golf Club site in the members section - seniors fixtures or 2) under seniors - seniors matches - blog or 3) on the Senior noticeboard in the clubhouse. I will put up sheets on the noticeboard as regards requesting availability for each match then followed by a team sheet and match details. I will also message people who are playing in a match and put a copy of the team and match details on the Blog page. After each match the result will be put on the Blog and on the noticeboard.

Senior’s matches are open to all members aged 55 and over. There is a £12 fee for each match (home or away), which always includes a coffee/tea beforehand (and typically a bacon roll too), plus lunch afterwards. Matches are 6 x four ball better balls, usually from the yellow tees, with players receiving 90% of the difference between the lowest course handicapper in each group. Reserves for a previous match get priority for the next match they are available for. It is a good way of playing at other local courses and meeting and chatting to other golfers.

Dave Forsyth - Seniors’ Team Captain