Return to Golf: Club Guidelines

Golf Club Reopening Guidance.png

Following the announcement last week that golf would benefit from the initial lifting of lockdown measures, we have now received definitive guidance from Scottish Golf (“SG”) for the safe return of our beloved game.  Subject to final confirmation by the First Minister on Thursday, our course will reopen from Friday 29 May.

The key thrust of the guidelines, is to minimise the risk of transmission, through effective social distancing via an end to end process – i.e. from arrival, playing and exiting the course. You can download a copy of the SG guidelines and FAQs below:

> Scottish Golf: Return to Golf Guidelines 220520

> Scottish Golf: Frequently Asked Questions

New Guidelines for Peebles Golf Club Members

Except for Steve Johnston’s Pro Shop, the clubhouse will remain closed (including access to toilets and locker rooms).  Steve will act as the club’s principal point of contact for registration and starting responsibilities including the hiring of buggies.  Entry to his shop is on a “one in, one out” basis and appropriate social distancing and hand cleansing measures have been put in place in the main foyer and in the shop itself. 

As Steve is working on his own, he will be on site from 0800 to 1700 Fri to Sun (and then Wed to Sun thereafter).  From 1st June a member of the office staff will be on site from 0900 to 1400 Mon and Tues.  We would ask members to minimise personal interaction with the office staff, who will provide service via the glass hatch. Specific points to note are as follows:

Pre-Golf Information

  1. An online tee booking system with times at 10-minute intervals will be implemented and MUST be adhered to.  The tee booking system will open at 0900 on Wednesday 27th May with a 5-day window for advance bookings (see point 7 below). This will be reviewed after the initial period of return.

  2. Members should book their tee time via the website (BRS system). If members require a reminder of username/BRS number, then this should be requested in advance by e-mail as access to the club’s tee booking system is essential.  Registration for the tee booking system is simple and can be accessed <here>. Please note that due to a system update by BRS, you will need to manually input your username/BRS number and password on the first time you make a booking.  If you cannot remember your password, there is a 'Forgot Password?' option that will appear on the login screen.

  3. Members must input the names of all players in their group when booking a tee time. Initially members cannot bring paying guests to the club, nor will visiting groups be permitted.  There will be no option to 'roll up' as that would potentially contravene social distancing guidance;

  4. Members without access to a computer should call the Pro Shop to have a tee time booked - please note that the telephony service will not be in operation until the 29th May, so booking online should always be used if possible;

  5. Initially, to give all members an opportunity to get back out on the course as soon as possible, advance booking will be restricted to one booking per day of 9 holes only.  Members can book in advance to play the front or back nine and BRS has been set up accordingly.  

  6. Tee times will commence from the 1st tee at 0730 through to 2030 and from the 10th tee at 0925 through to 2025.  This staggered approach will help the greenkeeping staff by allowing them to work around the course ahead of the golfersBooking an additional 9 holes of golf on the day of play itself (i.e. not an advanced booking) will be permitted. 

  7. Tee times will be restricted to:

    • Individuals playing on their own;

    • Two ball games, from two different households;

    • Two ball games, from the same household;

    • Three or fourball games subject to only mixing with one other household group.  For example, a couple and daughter (all living in the same household) could play as a three ball.  Similarly, a couple from one household could play as a fourball with a couple from another household. Please note that BRS will only accept a maximum of two names on the booking sheet.

    • Where spaces are available next to single players and you are a single player, please utilise this to maximise availability – it is also a good way of meeting other members.

  8. As soon as demand subsides, we will return to 18-hole bookings.  Adopting a reduced booking window of three days provides us with the agility to move quickly in line with course usage; 

  9. The putting green will be open for those members about to tee off.  The range will remain closed initially, but we will look to reopen this facility in due course.

  10. Buggies will be available for hire but can only be used by one person or two people from the same household.  Buggy availability is subject to those buggies available being suitably sterilised before use/re-use;

  11. Members requiring access to the locker room to collect clubs should do so within the 15-minute period before they are due to play.  Clubs collected must then be taken home and kept there until clubhouse restrictions are relaxed;

  12. Caddy store access is via the secure keypad.  Entry is on a “one in, one out” basis and a hand cleansing station is located inside.  Once collected and used, caddies should be taken home and kept there until clubhouse restrictions are relaxed.  Access to external battery boxes is not impacted.

On Arrival at the Course

  1. Players should arrive at the car park no more than 15 minutes before their tee time and ready to play golf; players should get changed in their car at their car, observing social distancing;

  2. Golfers should follow the signage and make their way to the 1st or 10th tee via the green rubber path;

  3. Golfers should not enter the first teeing area (and subsequent ones) until all members of the group in front have played their tee- shots and exited the teeing area.  

On the Golf Course

  1. Flags must not be removed/touched.  As an alternative during social golf, we recommend players use 'gimmies' (e.g. concessions within one foot);

  2. The insertion of a foam tube at the base of the pin ensures that the ball can easily be retrieved without touching the flag;

  3. Do not swap scorecards or share equipment;

  4. There will be no rakes in bunkers - please rake the bunkers with your foot or a club;

  5. In a bunker, if a ball comes to rest in a footprint, preferred lies should be taken; a player may place a ball in the bunker within one club-length of the original spot and not nearer to the hole than that spot;

  6. Ball washers, benches and the water fountain will not be in use;

  7. Do not leave litter lying and pick up your broken tees.

  8. Players must stay more than 2 metres apart when walking to the ball, searching for a ball and playing shots.

  9. Players must not touch or pick up stray golf balls.

Post Golf Guidance

  1. Please follow the signage by exiting the course via the red blaze path to the car park.

  2. Players must not 'linger' and instead leave the course then car park as soon as possible.

Membership Renewals & New Members

In phase 1, play is strictly for members only and guests are not permitted. If you have not yet paid your 2020/21 season membership fees you will not be able to play, so please get in touch with the office or refer to the <Membership Renewals> section of the website with instructions on renewal payments. Additionally, if you know friends or family who would like to join Peebles Golf Club in order to play golf, please encourage them to get in touch or refer them to the <Join Us> section of the website. While other sports remain on lockdown, we have a fantastic opportunity to promote golf as a safe, healthy, active, and accessible sport.

Please Respect the Guidelines!

The golf community has been extended the opportunity to be an early sporting recipient that benefits from the relaxed restrictions.  We urge everyone to be respectful of the preliminary guidelines and to apply good individual judgement, to ensure that in time we can move to a fully phased reintroduction of the game as we all know and love it.

Thank you for your continued support of Peebles Golf Club – your loyalty and patience are hugely appreciated during these challenging times.

Enjoy your golf and stay safe!