Update from the Captain: Supporting your Club During the Covid-19 Crisis

Dear Member

I hope you are staying safe and keeping healthy during these unprecedented times amid the Covid-19 lockdown. It’s a frustrating time for us all not being able to play golf just now, but by observing social distancing we are all doing our bit for the community and the NHS.

By way of an update, the Board of Directors have been in frequent contact and I have chaired several meetings via video conferencing over the past couple of weeks, to ensure we are doing everything possible to protect the future of Peebles Golf Club. As part of this, we have been working on updated financial projections for 2020 which incorporate the impact of the current lock-down and consider a range of potential outcomes based on how the situation may develop. As you would expect, our projections show a significant drop in income for the year with all our key revenue streams significantly dropping including visitors, events and bar.

To help offset the impact of this, the Board has taken a number of immediate steps to address the situation which include the following:

  • Furloughed all our permanent staff under the Government’s Job Retention Scheme with 80% of salaries claimed;

  • The only exception to this is the retention of our head greenkeeper Stevie Borthwick on full-time hours, as permitted by the Government under essential maintenance;

  • Stevie has been doing a fantastic job working alone and keeping on top of cutting greens, fairways, aprons, semi-rough and other tasks, to ensure that the course will be in excellent condition when we return;

  • As a result of furloughing our staff, we save on the cost of their salaries, although this means we currently have no professional administration function currently. As a result, we are reliant on volunteering efforts to monitor and respond to important e-mails and handle membership payments/enquiries;

  • We have applied for and expect to receive a £25k Business Support Grant from the Scottish Government;

  • We have requested a waiver and or reduction in rental payments from the Common Good Fund;

  • We have stopped or postponed all variable costs (e.g. satellite TV subscription), and all other non-essential expenditure has been put on hold; and

  • We are reviewing future fundraising options.

I would like to reassure members that we do not have an immediate liquidity issue and, based our current best estimate, the Club should have enough cash in place for the rest of the season, however with c. 30% of renewal subscriptions not yet received, our cash position is likely to get very tight. Member subscriptions is our primary source of income each year, and currently it’s our ONLY source of income. To the members who have renewed to date, I want to personally thank you, your support is truly appreciated. For any member who hasn’t paid yet, I would strongly encourage you to do so if you can afford it. For those who are in a stable financial position, think of the money you are saving on everything else right now – petrol, nights out, coffee and the odd beer or glass of wine!

Through our Fairway Credit scheme, you have the option of spreading your payments on a monthly basis for the remainder of the year. You may not get golfing for a few more weeks, however paying your membership now will help protect and sustain the club when we do re-open. Rest assured; we will look at extending the season as much as possible for the rest of the year so we can give everyone great value in 2020.

This truly is our hour of need. Your Golf Club needs you!

The following information provides details on how you can pay your membership fees:

1. Electronic payment via Club V1: If you are settling your invoice in full then we would encourage you to pay via the Club V1 app as this will greatly assist the administration and reconciliation processes. Club V1 can be accessed via the Club Website located in the Members’ section under “Members’ Hub”. Please login using your existing HowDidiDo details or register for an account if you haven't used HowDidiDo before.

2. Payment directly to PGC bank account: You can also settle your bill in full directly via BACS by making an electronic payment using the Club’s Sort Code and Account Number. Please enter your first initial and surname in the descriptor box.

3. Monthly payment via our finance partners at Fairway Credit: Please note that a charge of 7.15% of the total invoice (minimum £15) is applicable to this finance product. If you are an existing Fairway Credit user, your payment plan will renew automatically. If you wish to cease making payments via Fairway Credit, please contact them directly. New Fairway Credit users should register via the “monthly payment by direct debit” option within the Club V1 app.

The office is currently shut, however please send the club an e-mail if you have any queries regarding membership payments to secretary@peeblesgolfclub.com and clubadmin@peeblesgolfclub.com and we will do our best to respond quickly.

In closing, I would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support of Peebles Golf Club and hope you stay safe and healthy. Like everyone, I am looking forward to getting back on the course and catching up with fellow members in the clubhouse once we ‘get to the other side’. Your next game of golf will be your best!  

Yours in golf

Gavin Carruthers, Captain

PS. The following article in Bunkered magazine this week captures the essence of the message we are trying to get across…

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