Peebles Golf Club - Members Appeal Fund

Like us on the Sponsorship Sub-Committee (“SpSC”), many members are asking the club, what can I do to make a difference to the Golf Club in these trying times? What can we do to make a difference?

As you know from the Captain’s updates, the Board and Committee are monitoring the current situation and formulating plans to secure the future of the club, but it is still too early to determine the full financial implications of the Covid-19 crisis.

However, the SpSC has identified a specific window of opportunity for members to demonstrate their support of the club by making a difference right now. We had already started to meet with existing sponsors during February and March, and we had intended to continue to meet the remaining ones along with making appointments with potential new sponsors, but due to the lockdown this has been put on hold and will be resurrected once we feel the club is back up and running again. So rather than wait for time to pass, the SpSC is still meeting regularly, to see how we can help the club in other ways. Out of these meetings has come the idea of the “Members’ Appeal Fund”.

> PGC Just Giving Crowdfunding Page

We have just launched a new members’ appeal on a Just Giving Crowdfunding page - linked above. The appeal is to provide financial help for Peebles Golf Club. It is called the Members’ Appeal Fund and the purpose is to raise funds during these unprecedented times for the club, to ensure we have a club coming out of lockdown that is in the best position it can be as we turn the corner.

Probably not since the two world wars, has the golf club faced such a critical and potentially devastating crisis and uncertain times. The Golf club has had difficult times in the past, but nothing on this scale and potential severity. As you have seen from the Captains recent letters, our only income at present is the members subscriptions, and this is not enough to sustain this magnificent club we are all members of into a future post 2020. The golf club needs its members more now than ever before if we are to have a club to take forward into 2021.

The appeal is to all members, but especially those that ironically and perversely find themselves financially better off during the current lockdown – e.g. those on full salaries or full pensions, whose income has not changed fundamentally, but are not able to spend money on the likes of the Golfie, Coffees/Teas, Pubs, Lunches, Restaurants, travel, holidays, work expenses, and many more items. We do of course understand that some members will not be able to help the club during these extremely trying times, and our hearts and thoughts go out to you during these very difficult times.

So if like some of us on the SpSC, you find yourself being financially better off during the lockdown, we ask can you please put some of those savings into the appeal fund for Peebles Golf Club - something each month from these savings during these trying and difficult times, or a one off lump sum if you prefer. This appeal is just during the current lockdown, starting in April 2020 until such times as the measures are relaxed and we find life returning to something resembling normality, then we will close the appeal.

We have set a monthly target of £2,000 per month, and if we hit or exceed the target, this will make a massive difference to the club.

If anyone is struggling with the technology and giving donations via this page, please contact the Sponsorship Sub-Committee on, 01721 724361, 07779727774 who will see how they can help you.

Many thanks for your support.

Peebles Golf Club Sponsorship Sub-Committee

(Les Biscomb, Keith McIntosh, Eric Mapp, Colin Brown & Warwick Brown)