A Message from the Captain

Support your Club Now to Safeguard the Club’s Future

We are living in unparalleled times as a society and as a golf club. Following yesterday’s Government’s advice, we now find ourselves without access to the golf course, which even last week seemed unthinkable. Our everyday lives have been changed for the time being as we stay at home to protect lives. We hope this will be short-lived and I’m sure the sacrifices we are making now will be in the long-term interest of everyone.

Turning to Peebles Golf Club, I write to you in the knowledge that we are in a period of great uncertainty, however I would like to assure you that the club’s Board of Directors – together with our secretary Alan Frain, our pro Steve Johnston and head greenkeeper, Stevie Borthwick, are in daily contact to ensure we continue to operate behind the scenes and plan for the future.  We will look into all government funding options to protect our business and staff.

Our priority is to protect the future sustainability of Peebles Golf Club and I am calling on your support to help us achieve this. Renewing your membership at this time is more vital than ever before. It is our only income stream for the foreseeable future and although we are in lockdown, we still have costs to cover.

We will be operating a skeleton greenkeeping staff, as permitted by the Government, to keep the course maintained.  Operationally, the office will be closed after tomorrow afternoon and the office staff, bar staff and two other greenkeepers, Lewis and Jacob, will be “furloughed” for the time being.

Although no one will have access to the golf course until restrictions are lifted, we all want a golf course to come back to when we ‘emerge from the other side’. We want to enjoy the greens in great condition, the best views in the Borders, the banter in the clubhouse, the camaraderie of competition, the coaching of our juniors and quality time on the course with our friends. However, we can only do this if membership income continues to come in.

We are a fantastic golf club with loyal members, steeped in 128 years of history, and we’ve come together before in times of need. Now, more than any time in our history, we need your support.

I fully appreciate the financial challenges some people are facing during these difficult times, but if you can afford to pay your membership fees, please do so now. We will look at ways in which we can extend the season as much as possible for the rest of the year so we can give everyone as much value as possible in 2020. For those who are in a stable financial position, think of the money you are saving on everything else right now! (and that new driver can wait until next season!).

A huge thank you to those who have paid their fees already and the details at the end of the newsletter outline a number of ways in which you can pay.

This is our hour of need. Once this crisis is over, we’re all going to want to play golf more than ever before and return to the strong, healthy and vibrant golf club at the heart of our community. Please support your golf club!

In signing off, I would like to thank all members for their continued loyalty and hope that you all stay safe and healthy.

Way to pay your membership:

1.       Electronic payment via Club V1

2.       Payment directly to PGC bank account – (please enter your first initial and surname in the descriptor box)

3.       Monthly payment via our finance partners at Fairway Credit. Please note that a charge of 7.15% of the total invoice (minimum £15) is applicable to this finance product.

·       If you are settling your invoice in full then we would encourage you to pay via the Club V1 app as this will greatly assist the administration and reconciliation processes. Club V1 can be accessed via the Club Website located in the Members’ section under “Members’ Hub”. Please login using your existing HowDidiDo details or register for an account if you haven't used HowDidiDo before.

·       You can also settle your bill in full directly via BACS by making an electronic payment to PGC’s bank account (see bank details above).  This can be done via online banking or via contact with your bank.  Please identify yourself in the reference box.

·       Monthly payments can be made via Fairway Credit.  If you are an existing Fairway Credit user, your payment plan will renew automatically. If you wish to cease making payments via Fairway Credit, please contact them directly. New Fairway Credit users should register via the “monthly payment by direct debit” option within the Club V1 app.

In addition, office staff will be available on Wednesday between 9.15 and 2.00pm for those who wish to pay by card over the phone, by calling 01721 720197.

Yours in golf

Gavin Carruthers | Captain

#StaySafe #SuportYourClub