TAMS Results for August 22nd

On a calm sunny morning - was it late summer or early autumn? - we welcomed back after injury Ian Quigley and Jim Walker among our 22 starters.

Only 4 of us played well, the rest being hidden behind a veil of discretion.

Warner Hardie and Ronnie Watt scored nett 31 and tied for first place on nett 29 were Alister Lambie and Chris Malcolm.

Alister won on a count-back, while Chris birdied the 9th.

Gordon Fisher graced a high-scoring outing with a well-played birdie on the 9th and Ken Davey was nearest on the 7th.

TAMS were reminded that on 29th August we will compete for John Forsyth's 'Peebles Putter', details of which have been circulated to members.

Also, we will compete for the Ken Bowie Salver on 5th September. This event is a five-club Stableford.