Coronavirus- arrangements for TAMS

By now all of you will have given thought to how you will prepare yourselves and your families for the onset of this disease in our community.

With regard to the TAMS and to our golf, given the age profile of our players and the near-certain infection of some members of our community, we believe that it is incumbent on all of us together to take sensible steps to mitigate the risk of infection from this disease.

Accordingly and after consultation with some of our players, we have decided that for the foreseeable future we will proceed as follows:

(i) We will continue to play on Thursday mornings at our usual time.

(ii) We will not mark and submit cards and therefore will only play for the pleasure of each other's company.

(iii) We will not collect weekly subs, though we may later ask for voluntary donations, given that the TAMS makes annual charitable gifts.

(iv) We will not congregate as a group in the clubhouse after playing for our customary reflection on the ills of the world.