Seniors Team Review 2107

So gents, another season has come to its conclusion and it's time to review the success we, as Team Peebles, achieved.

In black and white the our results table reads :-

Played 10, Won 6, Drawn 2 and Lost 2. That represents a 70% success rate, which equates to a First Class performance.

For those interested, individual stats will be collated and displayed shortly.

The two matches that perhaps got away from us were the home tie against Minto & away fixture at Torwoodlee. These draws could so easily have been 'W's. A focus for next year?

Highlights must be our away win at Minto, plus the two league victories - home & away against North Berwick. A feat not achieved for some time.

What for 2018?

1.     Well, a fixture calendar is being formulated as I write. It will be a carbon copy of this season. I am additionally hoping to expand the number of matches through, of all things my old rugby contacts.

2.     For home fixtures we'll be introducing staggered tee offs. Three matches from 1st and the remaining three off the 10th. The intention, to get us in for lunch on mass.

3.     Finally, playing other clubs all decked out in their logo'd colours I wonder why should we not compete in the clubhouse as well as on the course? I am keen to project a unified corporate team image. To that end I am in negotiation with our Pro - Steve on a deal for "Senior Team" club polo's and sweaters. The club management, who are more than impressed with our success this year, are interested in supporting the seniors and further discounting these items. All in time for Christmas. Ideal timing for those of us looking for a gift under the tree and the opportunity to sew a seed with family for something we actually need!


So for full information re the contents of your Santa letters watch this space and the senior noticeboard outside the locker room. 

