Seniors achieve a whitewash over Broomieknowe

The Peebles Seniors were in sparkling form in their second outing of the season. In very wet conditions they achieved a comprehensive 6-0 win over rivals Broomieknowe.
The biggest victory of the day came when Brian Robson and David Wright closed out their match on the 12th green to win 7&6. Brian's recent holiday in Spain obviously did him good and he returned to the team in sparkling form.

Equally impressive was the pairing of Gordon Fisher and Andy Tucker. 7 up at the turn, they shook hands with their opponents on the 13th green for a 7&5 win.

Alan Jackson and Donald Jamie along with the pairing of Andrew Thomson and Sandy Wood achieved comfortable 4&3 wins to put the match beyond the reach of Broomieknowe.
Keith Brunton and Sam Walker had their hands full in their match and after a very close encounter they got their noses in front to edge out their opponents by 2&1.

The final match of the day really tested the fighting spirit of Ian Mewett and Ian Pemberton. Fresh from their comprehensive win last week against St Boswells, the pair had to dig deep and eventually won their match on the 18th green at 1 up.

Despite the poor weather this was a excellent performance by the Peebles team against very good opponents.

The next match is against Minto Golf Club on Thursday 4th June at home. Could all team members please gather in the clubhouse at8.45am sharp for coffee with the first tee time scheduled for 9.30 am.