Annual General Meeting: Committee Vacancies
/Vice Captain Chris Patterson and Club Captain Gavin Carruthers
Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 15th February 2022, and we would like to draw your attention to the following notice regarding positions on the Club’s Committee.
In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Club, the Committee is required to post in the clubhouse, prior to 31st December 2021, notification of Committee Vacancies and where nominations have been received, the names of the members whom it recommends filling the above vacancies.
Regardless of any nominations made by the Committee, any two Ordinary Members of the Club may nominate a member to fill a place on the Committee having previously obtained the consent in writing of such member. Notice of such nomination (together with the written consent of the nominee) must be submitted to the office not later than 19th January 2022.
There are currently two unfilled vacancies on the Committee and Gavin Carruthers and Marny Waddell are due to step down by rotation.
The Committee supports the following nominations:
Andy Pretswell
Craig McDonald
Gavin Carruthers
Marny Waddell
Andy Pretswell is being nominated to replace Chris Patterson as Vice-Captain. Chris will step up at the AGM to replace Gavin Carruthers as Captain. Andy currently works in the IT department of Heineken in Edinburgh. He is a popular member and a keen golfer and will be a welcome addition to the Committee.
Craig McDonald has retired recently following a successful career as a senior leader in financial services. He is an experienced project and change manager and a former captain of the Bank of Scotland Golf Club.
Both Gavin Carruthers and Marny Waddell have indicated their willingness to be re-elected to the Committee for a further 3 years of service. As Captain, Gavin has steered the club successfully through two turbulent years dominated by the pandemic and associated lockdowns. He has a genuine feeling for the club and the Committee is keen to retain his business experience and wise council. Marny has indicated a willingness in due course to replace Mary McIntyre as the Handicap and Competition Convenor. This is a key role within the club and Marny will spend the next year shadowing Mary in her leadership role.
Should you have any questions regarding the notice or require further clarity on the nomination process, please contact the office.