Clubhouse Reopening - Wednesday 15 July


Following Scottish Government guidance, we are pleased to advise that the clubhouse will re-open tomorrow subject to maintaining physical distancing and appropriate hygiene routines.

What facilities will reopen?

  • Changing rooms and toilets (please note that showering facilities will not reopen at this stage). 

  • The bar, lounge, and restaurant.  Subject to the receipt of new chairs on Wednesday, the balcony will also reopen.

  • The caddy-store. 

What are the opening hours?

  • The cleaners will open the clubhouse around 0730 every morning.  The bar staff will close the clubhouse in the evening or where there is no evening service, the clubhouse will be closed at dusk.

  • The current revised opening hours for the Bar, Harry’s View and the Pro Shop can be found below:

Mon     Bar: 11.00 - 14.30   Catering: Closed Pro Shop: 09.00 - 14.00

Tue       Bar: 11.00 - 14.30   Catering: Closed Pro Shop: 09.00 - 14.00

Wed      Bar: 11.00 - 22.00**  Catering: 10.00 - 19.00 Pro Shop: 08.00 - 17.00

Thu        Bar: 10.00 - 14.30   Catering: 10.00 - 14.30 Pro Shop: 08.00 - 17.00
17.00 - 2200**

Fri          Bar: 11.00 - 14.30   Catering: 10.00 - 14.30 Pro Shop: 08.00 - 17.00
17.00 - 2200* 17.00 - 20.00

Sat         Bar: 11.00 - 22.00*   Catering: 10.00 - 20.00 Pro Shop: 08.00 - 17.00

Sun        Bar: 12.00 - 20.00   Catering: 10.00 - 18.00 Pro Shop: 08.00 - 17.00*

*Bar may open to 2300 if sufficient customers **Bar may close earlier if insufficient customers

Are there any capacity restrictions?

  • Yes – general capacity will be restricted to maintain physical distancing at all times.

  • Access to the changing rooms will be restricted to a maximum of two people at any one time.

  • Similarly, except for the single Ladies/Disabled toilet upstairs, access to the other toilet facilities will be restricted to a maximum of two people at any one time.

  • Entry to the caddy-store will be on a “one in one out” basis.

  • Bar, lounge, balcony, and restaurant capacity will be restricted to the number of tables available.

  • Whilst the tables have been spread out appropriately, it is impractical for individuals seated at tables to remain two metres apart.  As a result, we have taken measures to ensure that we can operate safely as a “1 metre physical distancing zone”.  In particular, there should be no standing at the bar or mixing between tables.

  • Scottish Government guidance stipulates that you can meet people from up to two other households at a time indoors and this guideline should be adhered to within the upper floor of the clubhouse.          

What is the procedure for ordering food and drink?

  • We will be operating a rudimentary one-way system for accessing the upper floor of the clubhouse.  Access will be via the main staircase with exit from the lounge via the balcony and exit from the bar via the rear staircase.

  • To support “Test and Protect”, we are required to maintain the following contact details for each customer: -

    • A contact phone number for each customer, or the “lead member” of a small household group.

    • Date of visit and arrival/departure time. 

  • On entering the upper floor, you should proceed directly (following the arrows on the floor) to the table by the right-hand side of the lounge serving hatch and record your contact details in the folder.  Please use the hand sanitising facilities provided.  You should then locate a seat in the bar or lounge.

  • Service from the bar will be via the designated area in front of the Perspex screens (one in the lounge and one in the bar).  To avoid queuing, please wait until the service area is free before approaching the bar.  If you are in a small group, then ideally one of you should order drinks on behalf of the group.  On collecting your drinks, please return directly to your table.  

  • Ordering of food will be via table service.

  • Card payments are preferred, and we would encourage the purchase of drinks via your “Gold” card.  To minimise the handling of your gold card, you can provide the bar staff with your card number.    

Hygiene Protocol

  • It is important that everyone coming to the clubhouse adheres to the general guidelines on public health.  Whilst the club has taken appropriate measures to minimise transmission of the virus, ultimately everyone needs to take personal responsibility to ensure effective infection control.   

    • If you are displaying any of the symptoms of Covid-19, you should stay away from the clubhouse and golf course and seek advice from NHS 111.  

    • Please wash your hands regularly and use the sanitising facilities provided by the club.  There is an automated sanitiser located at the foot of the main staircase and portable sanitisers are located at strategic points throughout the building.  

    • Please leave the toilets as you find them and wash your hands thoroughly before leaving. 

A final “Heads Up”

  • We are right at the forefront of re-opening our food and beverage operation and like other hospitality businesses, we will no doubt learn as we go along and tweak our operating model accordingly. 

  • We fully anticipate an inspection by the appropriate authorities, and we will risk closure if we are found to be breaching our own procedures.  It is therefore imperative that everyone adheres to the measures outlined above. 

  • The bar staff have the authority to manage the bar in line with the above protocol and carry the full support of the Board.  It is important that everyone follows their guidance and treats them with respect. 

We are looking forward to re-starting a full service in the clubhouse and we thank you for your patience and support.