Results for 9th May

Another fine spring morning encouraged 24 players. Good conditions ware reflected in some impressive scores and a record 7 birdies.

Iain Fleming was made welcome by the group and congratulated on winning with 22 points. Graeme Murray was next on 21 points with a large group on 16 to 20 points.


Birdies were recorded by David Ward-Gittos, Melvin Cannell, Steve Farrar, Tony Kinder, Ian Tate and Keith Ackerman who had 2. Ian Tate was also nearest the pin at 7.


We will play for the Roddy McAlpine Gavel on the 23rd May, is a 5 club competition.


Result for May 2nd

An impressive 29 players turned up to a fine spring morning the earlier mist having cleared. Scoring conditions were kind with several players exceeding 20 points.

Runner up  on 23 points was Jim Douglas with David Liddle taking the honours with 24 points. David also birdied 9 while Chris Macolm birdied 6. Ken Davie was nearest at 7.


New member Doulas Smith was made welcome.



It was agreed that the £1 contribution for funds would be increased to £2  next Thursday and that a £200 contribution towards the club's new mast flag.

Results for April 11th

23 players took part today on a course that was vastly improved thanks to good work by our 


George Langlands returned from a week in the sun to tie with Roger Key on 21 points.

Roger eventually won on a tie back.

Each player using their 5 point summer increase to good use.


Ken Davey, Ian Tate, Chris Malcolm and Graeme Murray all had a birdie on the 9 th hole.


Graham Mackie was nearest the pin on the 7 th hole.

Results for March 28th

21 players went out for the last of this winter's rounds-and was it Wintery!

Tony Kinder maintained his recent form coming second with 13 points. George Cunningham was first with 14 points with a whole cluster of players on 11/12points. Ken Davey birdied the 9th with John Forsyth  claiming nearest the pin at 7.

The secret is out! Everyone will receive +5 strokes onto their existing handicap for the summer season. 

The group said au revoir to long standing member George Tucker who is moving to Edinburgh but will hopefully return as a visitor and will certainly be on the list for the Christmas lunch.

Results for March 21st

After last week's rain cancellation 18 players braved the windy/wet forecast for this morning. Tony Kinder was most surprised at his first place with 16 points. Ken Davie and Melvin Cannell tied on 15 points, Ken taking the countback. Gordon Innes was nearest at 7 for the third time over the winter.

Everyone is looking forward to the new season and hopefully some warmer weather. Revised handicaps will be available for the 4th April.


Jim Walker was presented with a gift box of a 'wee drop red' as thanks for his sterling work on the 30th Anniversary project.


Results for January 25th

In addition to the normal challenges of winter golf this morning's players had to negotiate many hoofprints left by horses which had escaped overnight from the top fields. Fortunately few greens were affected and the greens staff were repairing the worst of the damage.

Scoring was not inspiring with half the field returning single figures. George Langlands and our most recent TAM, Jim Douglas, tied on 16 points with George taking the countback by 8 points to 6. Gordon Innes was nearest at 7.

Results for January 11th and 18th

11th January

23 players turned up on a dreich morning.

Roger Key was first with 16 points, Brian Taylor edging second from Bill Hardcastle, both on 15 points.

Gordon Innes was nearest at 7.

18th January

With a hard frost and temperatures well below freezing 19 hardy souls not only turned up but many respectable scores were returned considering the conditions.

Leading the pack on 22 points was Sandy Morris, closely followed by Alister Lambie on 21 points. Several players were clustered on 17 -20 points.

Birdies were recorded by Brian Robson at the first and by Jim Douglas and David Forsyth both at the 9th.

By some miracle Alister Lambie's ball stayed on the frozen winter green at 7 for nearest the pin.

Results for January 4th. Happy New Year

After 2 fallow weeks 19 TAMS turned up for the first challenge of the year. Jim Douglas was welcomed to his first TAMS outing scoring 17 points to take second place from Alister Lambie on countback. With 18 points, however, David Ward Gittos was a worthy winner underlining his form with nearest the pin at the 7th.

The photo-montage of our 30th anniversary is to be displayed in the clubhouse.

7th December

36 TAMS sat down for yesterday's Xmas lunch. New members ware made welcome as were returning members Ronnie Watt and Warner Hardie. Warner gave the Grace.

In recognition of this being TAMS 30th anniversary every member was presented with a place mat showing pictures of players over the last 5 years. A large photo montage has also been produced which we hope to have displayed on a wall in the clubhouse. Thanks to Jim Walker and Brian Robson for all their work in what has been a mammoth production.

Trophies were presented to winners as listed below. While every winner was generously applauded there was a very special round of applause for our oldest TAM, Steve Baczkowski, when he was presented with the Stanley Ridgeway Trophy.

Winners were: Winter Competition 22/23 - John Varney

Roddie McAlpine Gavel - Keith Ackerman

Ken Bowie Salver - George Cunningham

John Forsyth Putter - Tony Kinder

Stanley Ridgeway Trophy - Steve Baczkowski

Summer Competition - Ian Tate

Ian Tate Scramble - Alister Lambie ,Graham Mackie and Sandy Macfarlane

There was a fun prize [supplied by Graham Mackie] for the best Festive outfit which was awarded to David Forsyth.

George Langlands thanked all who attended and gave special thanks to Brian Robson, David Wallace and Jim Walker for their support. He also confirmed that

Graham Mackie had agreed to come on board to keep the wheels rolling on the TAMS bus.

Finally Agustin and the Scratch catering team were thanked for an excellent lunch.

Results for 23rd November

14 souls braved a wild and wet morning the conditions making points scoring very difficult. David Forsyth led the field with 12 points with Alister Lambie taking 2nd place from another 3 players all on 11 points. Brian Robson was nearest at 7 having hit his driver off the tee!

Numbers are building up for the Xmas lunch on the 7th December with menu selections well advanced.

Results for 16th November and farewell to David Wallace. ( photo added)

24 players enjoyed the challenge of the first TAMS scramble. Ian Tate has generously provided a Trophy for the winning team which will be announced at the Xmas lunch.

Today was David Wallace's last TAMS outing. In recognition of the invaluable role which David has played in the organising and running of TAMS over the years he was presented with a suitably engraved Quaich expressing the Group's best wishes to him and Isobel as they start their new life with their family in Canada. He will be greatly missed.

Thanks to Wilson Struthers who donated 4 dozen brand new golf balls to the ball stock.

We will start taking numbers to attend the Xmas lunch next week.