Results for 14th April - what a day!

After the near-hypothermic conditions which severely reduced our field last week, 22 players enjoyed glorious spring weather today and the scores reflected that.

We also were able to celebrate two quite separate but nonetheless memorable events.

We join Richard Edmonds and his wife in celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Our award of a ball seems scant reward for such a momentous achievement.

On the eve of his 87th birthday, Doug Coltman made birdie 4 down the ninth, which resulted in the record stableford points score of 6 points for that hole.

Our weekly competition winner was our best player, Ken Davey who racked up 20 points including a birdie on the 9th, for which he only scored 4 stableford points.

Runner up was the pride of U3A, Dr Tony Kinder with 19 points.

We had almost forgotten what it was like to play in such pleasant conditions.

Results for 7th April

8 players encountered awful conditions with driving sleet/snow off a northerly wind. 10 points would have been good under these conditions but David Wallace, Gordon Fisher and Bill Hardcastle all returned 13 points with David taking the honors from Gordon and Bill coming third after countback. Gordon also was nearest the pin at 7. Good shooting guys.

Having just had +3 added to his handicap David has immediately given 2 back!

Results for 24th March

On a glorious warm spring day we had 19 players enjoying these conditions which featured newly-mowed greens and fast-running fairways.

Scoring was perhaps not quite reflective of these benevolent conditions but we had a worthy winner in Chris Beaumont with 20 points.

Chris changed the focus of his talents from 3 successive nearies to a solid round scoring on every hole.

An even more impressive second place winner was our elder statesman, Steve Baczkowski, who scored 18 points at the age of 95 - well played Steve!!

There was a good competition for nearest at no7, with 3 players on the flag before Dave Forsyth won out and converted his fine tee shot with a birdie putt.

Results for 10th March

20 players encountered a pleasant end of winter morning [we hope]. Scoring was fairly mediocre until the last group came in with Jim Walker returning 20 points to win. Joint second with 17 points were Graham Mackie and Bill Hardcastle with 17 points. Bill also birdied the 4th while Chris Beaumont was nearest at 7 for the second week in a row.

Members were sad to hear of the death of Gordon Smith a playing TAM until he moved west to be near his family. A service will be held in the Evangelical Church next Thursday followed by the burial at Peebles cemetery. The time of the service is to be confirmed.

Results for 3rd March

After missing the last 3 weeks there was a welcome return to TAMS golf. 19 players encountered a pleasant morning and found the course in reasonable condition considering the recent weather. Scoring was slightly subdued but Chris Beaumont, George Cunningham and Eric Ward all returned 16 points. On countback Chris took first place from George. Chris was also nearest the pin at 7.

In support of Ukraine several players wore the yellow and blue national colours. To lighten the mood a sartorial verdict on outfits declared David Wallace and Roger Key tied, David winning as his golf ball also sported the colours.

TAMS Festive Lunch

25 TAMS enjoyed an excellent Festive lunch at the Green Tree Hotel.

Masking and other Covid protocols were observed. Trophy winners were asked to collect their awards from the Trophy table at the end of the lunch.

One exception was the presentation of a suitably engraved mini quaich to Steve Baczkowski to mark his 95th year still playing [and winning] TAMS golf.

John Forsyth gave a humorous presentation of a Tiger Driver Headcover for an ancient driver which Steve had

discovered and which was giving him 120 yards plus off the tee everytime.

George Langlands thanked David Wallace and Brian Robson for their support and the TAMS in general for their cooperation over what had been a challenging year for everyone.

Trophy Winners were: Winter Quaich [2020/21] Brian Taylor

Covid Cup Steve Baczkowski

Roddie McAlpine Gavel Sandy Morris

Stanley Ridgeway Trophy Eric Ward

Summer Quaich Eric Ward

Ken Bowie Salver Sandy Morris

John Forsyth Putter Alister Lambie

25th November results

Plus 1degree C meant frost and winter greens. Undetered by the freezing conditions our oldest TAM at 95 years young, Steve Baczkowski,.scored 20 points to take the honors. Richard Edmonds took second place with 19 points easing out George Tucker on countback. There were no birdies and the impossibility of stopping a ball on the winter green at the 7th for a nearie was much discussed.

The Xmas Lunch will be at The Green Tree on 9th December

Results for 4th November

On a glorious sunny Autumn morning we had 25 starters.

A light frost meant that we were on winter greens and we also had to deal with the ice-caked shoes which needed to be chipped off every few holes.

Players are reminded that when we play on winter greens we may elect to putt out when we are within the designated winter greens or we may simply pick up and count two additional putts.

Unfortunately we did not anticipate the frost and therefore did not remind everyone of this TAMS rule. Some players followed the rule and some did not, which may have affected the results.

What made it even more difficult was that the perimeter of the winter greens had not been properly marked with a white line, so no doubt there were varying degrees of discretion as to where the line might have been.

See how complicated life gets - sorry guys, we will do better!!

Our lives may yet get even more complicated according to a recent 'woke' press article which suggests that we will soon have 'gender neutral' tee markers.

However, more to the point of our game today, the winner was Mr Consistency himself, Gordon Fisher with an excellent score of 21 points.

Tied for second on 20 points were Chris Beaumont and Jim Walker, with Jim winning out on countback.

Ian Tate birdied no 9, Jim Pettigrew birdied no4 and Jim Walker was nearest on no7.

14th October results

Another pleasant Autumn morning encouraged 20 players out. The course had dried out reflected in some good scoring with 10 players returning 18 points or more.

George Langlands, John Forsyth and Wilson Struthers all scored 21 points, George taking first on countback. John and Wilson could not be separated on countback and so tied for second.

Birdies were recorded by David Wallace, Steve Baczkowski, Richard Edmonds, Ian Tate and Bill Hardcastle with Bill also taking nearest the pin at 7.

Results for 7th October and Happy Birthday, Steve!

A mild, calm and dry Autumn morning encouraged 21 players out. Scoring was generally good with Ian Tate taking the honors returning 20 points. Sandy Morris was second with 19 points. Birdies there were from Ken Davey, Graham Mackie and David Wallace, David also floating an excellent iron into the 7th for nearest the pin.

Keith Ackerman was welcomed to the group.

Our revered elder TAM, Steve Baczkowski, had kept it very quiet that he was 95 on this day. A Birthday Ball hardly seems adequate for such an achievement!

Results for 30th September

On what was probably the worst Thursday of the year so far, 15 heroes ventured out into the rather wet rain while the rest watched from the warmth of the clubhouse.

Out on his own in first place was Alister Lambie with 20 points and Brian Robson just headed off the chasing pack on 16 points.

John Cairns had a good birdie on the 4th and David Wallace was nearest on the 7th.