Xmas Lunch
With Covid concerns and constraints applying 13 members enjoyed a very different Xmas lunch. Thanks to Joe and his team in the kitchen.
Trophy results were: The Winter Quaich 2019/20 !st Chris Beaumont
2nd Warner Hardie
The Roddy McAlpine Gavel 1st George Tucker
2nd Roger Key
The Summer Competition 1st Tony Kinder
2nd Steve Farrar
The Stanley Ridgeway Trophy !st Melvin Cannell
2nd G Fisher
The Ken Bowie Salver !st Wilson Struthers
2nd Graham Mackie
The John Forsyth Putter !st Brian Robson
2nd George Langlands
We look forward hopefully to more normal golf sometime in 2021.
George Langlands thanked David Wallace and Brian Robson and the rest of the TAMS for their support facing the challenges of this year.
The presentation of a well thought out basket of goodies to George was much appreciated-especially by Marion who quickly claimed the chocolate when he got home!