Teamsheet - North Berwick away 17th October

Gents - Final game of the 2019 season. The team is selected as below. Meet at North Berwick clubhouse for 9:30 am, roll & coffee on arrival. Lunch in the dining room after the match - shirt, collar, tie & jacket required !

10:10 am                  Brain Robson   &   Ian Tate


10:19 am                    Geff Lawson & Jim Cutler


10:28 am                   Roger Scott   &   Brain Taylor


10:37 am                  Les Biscomb   &   Vic Roberts


10:46 am                     Ian Mewitt   &   Ian Pemberton


10:55 am                   Sam Walker   &   Andy Nelson               


Please confirm you are aware of your selection by ticking off your name.

Brian's  your captain from this day forward ….. mobile is 07518:745757


Reserves  -  1. Gordon Fisher          3. George Cunningham  

                    2. Andy Tucker            4. Ken Davey

North Berwick 17th October - Selection Criteria & Availability

As notified at the start of the season - Team Peebles trip to North Berwick is selected by the captain - Brain Robson - from the members available, via the aggregated appearance points achieved through the season so far.  

That list, in points order, is now displayed on the notice board. There are already a number of high point scorers not available to play this match. So even if you have limited score you may well be selected.

Thus it is imperative that, against your name, you tick if available or delete if not.  

BBC 100% Wrong - Team Pebbles 100% Strong

Team Peebles penultimate match of the season was away to Minto. Mustering at the back of 9am on a gorgeous autumn morning in shirts sleeves and trousers the only regret was that too much credence had been given to the 100% chance of rain announced on the BBC's website. Shorts should have been the uniform of the day. Could Team Pebbles catch Minto short out on the course !

With home & away matches each season the road to Minto is well travelled - all be it never the same way twice ! Similarly the Minto players are well known. Similar courses result in tight encounters. Would today be any different.

As always 3 tee were in play - so the in team sheet order -

Stevie Matthews was paired up with Jim"RVW"Lyle. During their trip down it had been established the two were at school together - the latter as teacher & former the pupil. As equals now, they came up against a strong and determined Minto pair, again with a high handicappers playing very effectively. So much so a 4 stroke lead was established. However a rear guard action saw our lads dormay 2 - only for birdies, net eagles at 17th & 18th to steal the match for the home team. Loss 3&1.

Next to hit the fairway Geff"Corgi"Lawson & Andy"H"Nelson. The latter covering for the injured Jim"Charoits"Cutler. Solid match from both our guys and especially strong finish from Andy enabled the boys seal the match with a birdie on the 18th. Win 1 up.

George Cunningham making only his second appearance this season was out with David"PC"Wright. The score, a loss 6&5 for once does not tell the full story. David initially believing he had food poisoning was clearly off form & colour. It transpires he has required to seek hospital treatment. We wish all the very best for what we trust will be a swift recovery.

Roger Scott, like a 80's pop duo, reformed with his regular sparring partner of season's past Tom"Ace"Litster. Clearly warming up for a potential trip back to North Berwick where last year Roger's form was described as obscene - this pair romped home 5&4.

Team Ian's had refocused after their last outing at Carnwath - where neither the regular "W" or even an acceptable "D" had been achieved. As with all things TBTP normal service was resumed.  The Ian's stormed back with a big "W" - 4&3. Form is temporary - class permanent.

The final match saw Brain"Chirpy"Taylor & Ken"Logger"Davey - our very own Cardrona massive - struck out for the glory of the match winning half point. Pitted against probably the Minto best pairing it was a hard ask. They fought hard but ended up on the wrong side of a 3&2 loss.

So match halved, as was the game at home. Honours very much even - even if perhaps the Minto boys had the benefit of a 13th man in the pace of their greens.

The aggregate scores you have obtained from the matches played so far are up on the notice board. We have several of our team who already are unavailable. So even with limited points you may well still make selection. Therefore please tick off or score out your name so that Brain"Captain Elect" Robson can pick his pairings.

Carnwath White Wash Pebbles Off The Whites

Our 2019 season has seen a new fixture to the calendar, playing Carnwath home & away. Our latest match was to be hosted at the South Lanarkshire club. We had been successful on home turf back in April and this trip was keenly awaited by Team Peebles. That enthusiasm was almost turned to frustration as our arrival was diverted & delayed via back lanes due to street resurfacing. Surely things could not get worse !

Carnwath play regular league matches and perhaps that savvy showed in their selection. A high & low handicapper were paired in their teams. In addition teeing of the whites was a new experience that had not been factored in by Team Peebles.

First out Stevie Matthews & Les Biscomb. There opponents a 7 & 20 handicappers resulted in the Peebles boys giving up 7 strokes. So with their "high numbers" or as he became know - TFN (there for nothing), having shots on the three of the first 4 holes it was not surprising that a lead was swiftly established. The match appeared a lost cause, however some stout rear guard action from Les saw our boys heading down the 18th only 1 down. All to play for ! There TFN again used his shot to secure the match. Loss 2 down.

Next teeing it up off the whites, Geff"Corgi"Lawson & Jim"Chariots"Culter. The latter was struggling with an elbow injury, however he was superbly supported with Corgi's great knock. However even such a low score could only return a halved match.

David Wright & Roger Scott were considered a strong pairing. Both have had a solid season, but as with the opening match, their opponents were again even better matched. A strong performance still resulted in a loss 1 down.

Vic Roberts, now playing with substitute Andy"H"Nelson. Another strong pairing was as with the others before them reduced to a losing return - 1 down.

Team Ian's would surely record a positive number for Peebles. Both have been getting results all season, in our seniors matches and the club comps. Handicaps have been reduced accordingly. So what was their influence on the day? Unbelievable as it sounds - and this is the only time such a typo has been assigned to our stalwarts - loss 5&3.

Our last pairing were Sam"TheMan"Walker & Ian"Credo"Walker. These two have been points winners all season. There must be a win for Team Peebles. The short answer is no. Loss 4&3.

Thus ended our trip to fortress Carnwath. Final result - 5½-½. A whitewash off the whites. Still, strong learning points for Brain & next season. Despite the pumping, still great fun with some superb lads which continued into the clubhouse.

Next game away at Minto - another very tough encounter. We won down there last season - let's do the double.

Peebles Whip Crack their Way to Victory

Our near neighbours the Whipmen of West Linton were in town last week for the bi-annual home match. Defeated on their track last season, victory thoughts were focused for our last 2018 home match 2018.

First out for Team Peebles Ian"Creed"Tate & Sam"TheMan"Walker. Despite playing Linton's lowest handicapper, off 6, they cruised with no nonsense, as assassins due, to a comfortable 4&3 victory.

Jim"Chariot"Cutler & Geff"Corgi"Lawson, were paired against our visitors captain. A tight match throughout Team Peebles were sitting dormie 2, however a resurgent Linton pair snatched back scores at the 17th & 18. That match was halved.

Vic Roberts & Les Biscomb were the last off the front nine. Both had shown excellent form in club comps, with handicaps suitably adjusted. However that was not sufficient against talented opponents. Our lads took them all the way to the 18th where they finally lost out 1 down.

With Ian Mewitt cruising the Spanish coastline, it fell upon Stevie Matthews to fill his shoes and team up with Ian Pemberton. Both were playing their last home games, Stevie as captain & Ian before standing down at the end of this season. Nip & tuck the entire way round the match was finally sealed for the home team with a birdie 4 on the 9th. Victory 1 up.

Brian"Chirpy"Taylor partnering Roger Scott were next off and another tight match which was destined to end in a half. Match drawn.

The last Team Peebles game saw Alan Jackson being paired with Brain"CE"Robson. The latter has been showing some exceptional form this season, which he carried into this match. Supported wonderfully by Alan when called upon, our lads destroyed their opposition. Victory 7&5.

The final result produced an emphatic 4 - 2 victory for Team Peebles. In so doing we very much held the "whip hand".  Excellent result gents, and with that came another superb result, we had retained our unbeaten home record for 2018. That is third year in a row we have achieved the status of  fortress Kirkland Street.

Next match away at Carnwath - a new fixture for 2018. We convincingly beat them at home. Let's believe that the only issue of concern with this return rubber is the traffic road works which will require you travelling via Biggar !!

Team Peebles have enough in reserve.

We hosted our Edinburgh guests form  Glencorse on Tuesday. The last two years have been very onesided events for the home side. Not so this season with the Penicuik posse bring down some big hitting seniors sporting low handicap.

We welcomed back David"PS"Wright form his jaunt stateside. I'm guessing he & certainly his teammates were wishing had brought back the weather.

So on a overcast morning, proceedings got underway with Team Peebles pairing of Geff"Corgi"Lawson & his regular partner Jim"Chariots"Cutler. From the off it was apparent that this would be a challenging tie, against an 8 handicapper. Chipping in from well off the green, for a birdie 2 at the first was perhaps a sign of things to come. They eventually succumbed - loosing 2&1.

Next out Brian"CE"Robson & David"PS"Wright. This was a procession. The opposition was simply Robson'd. A stunning performance by Brian, their opponents were out gunned. The final score line, a win 5&4.

That last tie was impressive, the next sublime. Brain"Chirpy"Taylor & Ken"Logger"Davy our Cardrona massive, out muscled the Glencorse pairing, 4 up after 6 the match was concluded on the 12th - victory 7&6.

Stevie Matthews & Gordon"Birdie"Fisher were next out. A tie where the home players were never down, yet never able to break away & establish a margin of victory. The match was halved.

Hold the front page. News scoop ….. We have a run on our bank !!! Perhaps sporting their new reduced handicaps & the concept of giving up strokes to their opponents resulted in an unfamiliar territory for our Team Ian's, they lost out 3&2.

Our final Peebles pairing Jim"RVW"Lyle & Sam"TheMan"Walker once again were a class apart from their opponents and their match was concluded by the 14th. The sizable margin of victory 6&4.

Thus a overall victory for Team Peebles 3½-2½. Tight in terms of the overall score, however we secured some serious winning ties. The Huntsmen were put to the sword for another season.

Week Tuesday we take on the Whipmen of West Linton.  As with Glencorse we lost on their park last season.  Another big performance required to balance our account please.

Seniors Trophy - Forsyth's Saga

This Tuesday saw our Gents Senior Trophy being contested. We were perhaps not exposed to the glorious weather that the course and us "mature" golfers have enjoyed over the previous months however it did not make for a equally sizzling scores.

Once again the CSS was lowered from the regulation 70 to - wait for it a 67 !!

Clearly to win it you had to be on it - and that is exactly what a prize winner Walter Forsyth achieved  -  carding a gross 67 for a net 61. In Walters wake came Stevie Matthews on a net 63 & long time clubhouse leader Ian Tate with a net 64.

The great senior talent was reflected in a third of the field being under their handicap. That meant the busiest club member was our handicap secretary with numerous reductions need to be calculated and implemented.

Well done to all our seniors.

Close But No Cigar @ Torwoodlee

Expectations were running high for Mondays away match against Torwoodlee. In our home tie they had been seriously spanked 5-1, with some big victory margins. Additionally several of team Peebles were coming off handicap cuts.

However looking around the clubhouse prior to heading out they had some new faces. On the tee some low handicaps were declared. Torwoodlee clearly wanted pay back.

As is their format, 3 tees were in play.

Off the first Les Biscomb & Brain"CE"Robson who made early inroads going 3 up after 3 holes. This however merely agitated their opponents - both from the low handicap brigade - and the match was eventually reversed at the call. A 2&1 loss.

Stevie Matthews & Vic Roberts were next off and again up against two low numbers. A super competitive tie saw the P's take the lead, loose the lead, retake it - 2 up with 4 to play, then pegged back to all square on the 17th before finally driving through to a 2 up victory.

Out from the third Jim"Chariots"Cutler & Geff"Corgi"Lawson. A regular and solid pairing for team Peebles, they were perhaps not quite firing on all cylinders and went down to as they described to the better team. Loss 3-2.

Tom"Ace"Listster & his regular partner Roger Scott were next off. Not on their A game by any stretch of the imagination, however they were against a Torwoodlee pair who were having a torrid time, shanks a plenty. Thus they eased home 3&1.

Next out & returning as a competitive partnership for the first time in several matches TBTP. Both had seen a reduction in their handicaps after some supper recent form. Indeed Ian Pemberton was for the first time in a long time giving strokes to their opponents. Things were not going quite to script as they found themselves 3 down with 3 to play. However they stormed back in the summer sunshine to grab a half. They remain undefeated for this season.

Final tie saw Sam"The Man" Walker & Brain"Chirpy" Taylor pairing. In what has become a bit of a theme for Sam this season he was once again against a high handicapper playing out of his skin. He clearly is an inspiration - however a memo to yourself - inspire you teammate not the opposition please. So it was no surprise with their net 26 they were 4 down at the turn, our lads succumbed 3&2.

Final score saw Team Peebles loose out 2½ - 3½, and in his report the home team captain allowed himself to express with not too inconsiderable delight that it was the first time he had got one over on us.

So our undefeated record slips out of reach for this season. However the home record can be preserved with our fixtures next month against Glencorse & West Linton, both of whom beat us big at their courses last year.

Let's regroup, let's go get them guys.

Ian Pemberton Centenary Trophy Winner

A special notification is required to acknowledge the achievement of one of our senior stalwarts.

Last Saturday's Centenary Cup was won by Ian Pemberton.

Not special because he might have been there for the initial competition this trophy commemorates, or that he donated it, but rather for the superb knock he achieved in beating what was high quality field.

So his numbers were. Gross 80 off a 19 handicap saw him post a net 61. Eight pars and two birdies at the par 3 12th & 16th saw him increase his purse further.

Superbly well don Ian and congratulations from all of us who subscribe to the seniors blog. In shining the light you have wonderfully demonstrated there is hope at the end of the tunnel for all of us.

2019 - 2020 Team Peebles Senior Captain Announced

We are now half way through the season, my second and final season as Team Peebles Seniors Captain. Time to plan ahead.

It is therefore with pleasure that I am able to announce that the honour of leading the senior section for 2019 & 2020 seasons has be offered to and earnestly accepted by Brian Robson

He will now becomes our captain elect, and stand in for myself if unavailable.

The baton will be handed over after our final match of the 2018 season - away at North Berwick. What finer place, the dining room of that historic club.

Following that there will be a new feature for the seniors calendar.

Friday 19th will see Brian undertake his first official duty, to lead us off from Peebles first tee in our seniors captains drive in. This stableford competition is open to all of the team members who have represented Peebles over the last 2 years or are interested in becoming a team member during Brian stewardship.


Once again may on behalf of all Team Peebles, I congratulate captain elect Robson. If you have half as much fun with these guys as I have, you are in for a real blast.

Torwoodlee Blown Away

This weeks seniors match pitted Team Peebles against our nearest and keenest rivals Torwoodlee. With storm Hector necessitating the re- scheduling of the match form the previous week, a few of the original team were unavailable. However their absences were opportunities swiftly snapped up by our reserves. So valuable for any captain to have such a buoyant & enthusiastic squad.

First out were Andy"H"Nelson & Gordn"Birdie"Fisher. Their tie was not however to set the standards of either their previous outing or the match itself. "Birdies" sub-par feast turned to famine against a very competitive Torwoodlee pairing which saw them loose out 2 down.

Stevie Matthews & Ian"Creed"Tate were steady away. They then hit a rich vein of form from the 5th - par, par, birdie, par, eagle- enabled them to make the turn 4 up. The exchange of an odd hole on the back nine, still saw then finish off winners 4&3.

This was then the start of a procession of winning partnerships.

Vic Roberts & Jim"RVW"Lyle were romping home at one point, but the Torwoodlee captain pairing rallied to get the score back to 2 up, however our guys put the pedal to the metal and motored, home winners 3&1.

Jim"Chariot"Cutlerr & Neil"Boomboom"Byers easily polished off their opponents 6&5. Chariots as his tile would suggest on fire and "BoomBoom" launching it straight & true off the tee  - apart from the 17th ! Score of the match was not theirs however !!

That was reserved for Ian Mewitt & Sam"TheMan"Walker. Ian Pemberton had been one of our team unavailable for this match. As with the last match Sam filled in, and as with all things, The Bank of Team Peebles associated, the points were in the bag. 7&5 - yes 7&5 was their winning margin, & saw Sam chipping in twice from off the green. Now if Sam should only change his name to Ian the geometry would be perfect?

Last out Brian"Shooter"Robson & Les Biscomb. This was Les's first outing with seniors of Team Peebles. A very last minute call up to replace sickness call off. We trust you enjoyed your day, you certainly contributed to our cause and trust you will in the words of a certain film character - be back. These two with a 4&3 victory brought Team Peebles tally score to a magnificent 5 - 1.

Thanks again guys, in securing our continuing unbeaten record. Next off it's the reverse rubber down at the pailies 23rd July.

Senior's Burn It Up

Tuesday's senior stableford saw scores more akin to the championship finals day. So much so that the competition scratch score was lowered to 68 !!

Clearly shows - as with a good malt - time in the cask matters.

So hitting the angle heights with 42 points was Andrew Thomson.

He saw home John O'Donnell & Billy Duncan, both on 40 points. Johnny having edged ahead on the back nine, with a 4 on the 17th & was in the money again, recording an unconventional 2 @ the 13th.

Well done guys, highly competitive, big on quality if a little light on quality. If we are to appeal to the competition committee for more senior events - something that has been voiced - then lets ensure  we more out for our next challenge on 17th July.

Honours Shared in Minto Match-Up

Recent encounters with our senior friends from Minto have been very close affairs. This seasons match at Peebles was no different.

Ian Pemberton's late fitness test failure had attracted much locker room chatter.  The injury apparent attributed to his accidental dropping of a pound coin. His golfing partner had suggested that if it land heads up it was his. Not willing to take that chance the coin was swiftly recovered before alighting on the fairway. I am put in mind of Robert Vaughan's character Lee words from the Magnificent Seven - "One. There was a time when I'd have gotten all three."

So there were a few rematches form our victory at Minto. The first being the top game were David Wright & Brian"Shooter"Robson had defeated their opposition, last outing,  with a chip in at the 17th. It was not however to be a repeat of that result and they lost out 2&1.

Geff"Corgi"Lawson & Jim"Chariots"Cutler are now a well established partnership.  Their ability to assign their names on the team sheet only exceeded by their accomplishments on the course. A very tight - the words of the Yorkshire man - fought encounter saw our lads come out on top 1 up.

Ken"Logger"Davey & Brian"Chirpy"Taylor had a fraught encounter. They were at some points 3 down, but did rally to end their match strongly, thereby loosing by the one hole.

Stevie Matthews had sought the sage of Tom"Ace"Litster, his guidance in how to master a course he has so often graced. It seemed to have worked when they took an early lead. However for the second match running Stevie came up against a high handicapper playing as if the possessor of single figure certificate. A chip in off the fourth tee for a net par at the third may have been a sign. So despite paring from 5th through to the 9th, they were 1 down at the turn. The Minto team were taken all the way to the 18th green, where yet another par from the men in green saw them make it home 1 up.

With the TFPB depleted by one Ian, Sam"TheMan"Walker seamlessly slipped into the hot seat vacated and with Ian Mewwit recorded a 3&1 victory. A result that was never in doubt.

Final pairing of Ian"Creed"Tate & Gordon"Birdie"Fisher  were our last hope of securing a positive result from the match. They were as good as we have come to expect and romped in for a "W" 3&2.

Thus for the second successive year this home match was halved. Simply necessitates a repeat our away victory latter in the year.

Next match is the first of reverse rubbers against Torwoodlee at home on Thursday 14th June. Again we anticipate very competitive encounters. Team sheet will go live at 12 noon 31st May. You will note a number of pre selections. A significant departure from the norm. This will ensure that teammates who have limited future playing opportunities, or have not as yet played, and are not able to make the 3 minute window of opportunity when the sheet is posted, get a chance to participate as a member of our team.

G-Mac Scoops The Prize

Tuesdays' seniors stableford saw G-Mac carpe diem. No, not the Northern Irishman with a dubious transatlantic accent, rather our very own Graham Mackie. Mind they share the same breaded appearance! A first time visitor to the winners enclosure in this his breakthrough season, he took the spoils with a superb 38 points. Referral to the handicap committee awaits and a well deserved cut to his numbers.

Second was, in contrast seasoned campaigner, Bill Hardcastle returning a 37 point card & anticipated similar handicap realignment.

Third Ewan Morton with a sound par round with 36 points.  

Nothing In Halves - Only The Result

Tuesday was our annual match, which this season was away, against Broomieknowe. After the superb weather over the preceding days, there was a very chill wind blowing as we tee'd off at sharp o'clock. A very high scoring encounter ensued.

Again two tees were in play so the results are as follows.

Ian"Clippy"Stewart & Ken"Logger"Davey took on the home team's top pairing, in what was expected to be a close encounter. So it proved in the overall scheme of the match, even when the conifers came into play more often than necessary. However it was a home success, 2&1.

David Wright & Ian"Creed"Tate were yet again at their best - Hasta La Vista - form. This match was terminated at the 14th with a 5&4 victory. Super return for some very crisp golf.

Stevie Matthews & Sam"The Man"Walker were in for a very hard mornings workout. Up against a 20 handicapper, playing "out of his skin" - his partners words not mine - they eventually lost to a net 1 on the par 3 15th. Throughout the match the Peebles pair's pars were never enough. Sam's arithmetic identified that their opponent had played net 3 under par.  

Geff"Corgi"Lawson & Jim"Chariots"Cutler also were up against it from the start. No matter what they threw at their opponents it never seemed enough. Perhaps just a bad day at the office. The result a 5&3 loss.

Reliable, predictable, dependable ! That's what high street banks used to be ? These days that role is left to our "Team Ian's" or perhaps more accurately "TBTP" - The Bank of Team Peebles. Not since Poulter's Ryder Cup prime, has a thing been more secure, and wearing their new team uniform they almost looked like him. Don't even need to tell you the result - the score 3&2.

Finally we had Andy"H"Nelson & the golfer formally known as "Wolfie" now Gordon"Birdie"Fisher.  With a string of subpar holes "H's" mere pars were simply irrelevant. Red hot from the off, very swiftly 6 up, this pairing put the opposition to the sword - 8&7.

A match, which was always going to be a keenly fought friendly on an foreign track that not many of us have experienced before, ended halved. Team Peebles maintain our unbeaten record this season.

Next Tuesday we entertain Minto. This followed by home & away rubbers against Torwoodlee are the real challenge for us this season, challenges for which we have already shown excellent form.

Well done guys.

Seniors Take A Trip Down The Tweed To Triumph

An away day for Team Peebles on Monday. In glorious Bank Holiday sunshine we visited the quirky nine hole St Boswells track, on the banks of the Tweed. The home team had "issues" raising the requisite numbers, so Peebles had travelled with 4 extra squad members. On the day Jim"RVW"Lyle scheduled the wrong day and St Boswells had two players parachuted in very late from other clubs.

Starting at 5 different tees, the order of play was fluid. In terms of reports it played out as follows.

David Wright & Brain"Shooter"Robson from the 5th had a close fought encounter with St Boswells captain's pairing. The spoils were shared. Match halved.

Geoff"Corgi"Lawson with Jim"Chariots"Cutler started at the 3rd. That meant a three time hill climb up to the clubhouse. Irrespective of that & playing against a very youthful senior, they took the match - winning 1up.

Team Ian's, playing against our own Brian"Chirpy"Taylor, headed out from the picturesque 2nd. At one point 3 down - predominantly to the Peebles factor - they fought back superbly to secure a half.

From the 1st, Neil"Bom Bom"Byers & Ian"Creed"Tate were our most assured pairing and romped home to a 3&2 victory. Yet another scalp for our very own assassin.

Following them out, Stevie Matthews was supported by late replacement Sam"The Man"Walker.  Their match appeared to be a procession, 4 up after 6 holes, then both inexplicably lost the plot. It was only with a par at the last hole that they secured their match, winning 1up.

Finally Vic Roberts & Alan Jackson were off out against Peebles Ken Davey and his home team partner (apparently). In essence it was a Peebles v Peebles contest, with Ken coming out on top. Thus St Boswells ONLY points were secured by one of our own.

Lastly a quick mention to Gordon"Wolfie"Fisher. Having travelled as a St Boswell reserve, he was not required, then made up a 5 ball in Stevie's match. Not merely a number however - easily the best putter of that group on what were interesting greens.

So match won by Team Peebles. The record books will show an official score of  4-2, though I am claiming it was in actually  4-1-1. Well done again Ken & yes you’re still most definitely one of us !

Next match v Broomieknowe 22nd May. Please note the tee offs are from 1st & 17th starting at 9am. Meet there at 8:15am. Very tough test. This club will be seeking to redress last season's defeat.


That team sheet is already full ! With three reserves also named, I am trying to negotiate increasing numbers dependant on their capacity. Watch this space.

It does however bring into sharp focus the popularity of our seniors matches. Demand is outstripping supply. A far better position to be in than the likes of St Boswells & even North Berwick. However I am very conscious that there are some of our numbers who have yet to secure a slot this season.

This is an issue I am carefully reflecting on.

Peebles continue their good start to the season with a comprehensive victory over North Berwick

With team captain, Stevie Matthews, playing golf in Turkey, former team captain David Wright took over the duties for the home match against North Berwick. As David is not fully familiar with the various nicknames of the team members, only real names will be used! The match took place in bright and sunny weather but the wind made the conditions quite challenging on some holes.

Peebles got off to a great start with opening pair Geoff Lawson and Jim Cutler dominating their match from the opening holes and winning easily by 6 and 5.

Neil Byers and Andy Tucker had a much harder match and found themselves 2 down with 3 holes to go. A battling finish saw them finishing all square. 

The dream team of David Wright and Brian Robson had a tough start to their match against local hero Drew Lowe and his partner Ken Swa. They found themselves 2 down after 8 holes but they eventually found their form and closed out the match on the 15th by winning 4 and 3.

Late sub Roger Scott and his partner Bryan Taylor played well together and they also won 4 and 3 on the 15th hole. 

It was a dream debut for Ian Stewart  who partnered ‘birthday boy’ Sam Walker. They enjoyed the biggest win of the day by winning 7 and 6. 

Last, but not least, Team Ian (Mewett and Pemberton) rounded off a superb performance by the home team by running out winners by 6 and 5. 

So Peebles continued their winning start to the 2018 season by comprehensively winning the match by five and a half points to a half point. As always the match was played in a friendly spirit with players from both teams enjoying a great day’s golf on a well presented course and enjoying a great meal prepared by our new caterer, Gary Moore. 

We look forward to the return fixture at North Berwick in October.

Next fixture for the team is Monday 7th May at St Boswells. 

Team Peebles Start 2018 As They Mean to Continue

Patrick Reed may have won on Sunday, but everyone really knew that the only masters action in town this week was at Peebles GC, with our senior season opener against Carnwath. A new fixture on the schedule for 2018, it saw many of the team present in their new uniform. For those of you still to select - orders can be made with Steve in the pro shop.

On a overcast morning the team were experimenting with the new split tee off's. Three from the 1st & the other 3 from the 10th. Perhaps still a work in progress, it will be repeated for our next home game and then reviewed.

First out for the 1st were the pairing of Andy "Stato" Tucker & Tom "Ace" Litster. As solid a partnership as could be imagined. So it proved when they returned to the clubhouse with the season first "W" for Peebles.

Next out Ian "Creed" Tate and our very own reserved Yorkshire man Geoff "Corgi" Lawson. It was the latter who played the supporting role as Ian - creed by name, assassin by nature - quietly went about his business to record their 4 & 3 victory.

Third off new pairing of Vic Roberts & Brian "Chirpy" Taylor. Again a seriously sound display form both of our lads to effectively romp home against the visiting captain 5 & 4.

Three matches & three victories - what could possibly go wrong …..

Answer - not much.

Stevie Matthews & Jim "Chariots" Cutler were the first pairing off the 10th. Two up after three holes and dovetailing perfectly they were never down and came in with a 2 & 1 victory against a strong Carnwath partnership. Match point and the honours secured for team Pebbles.

Next out Sam Walker & George Cunningham. Perhaps not a good day at the office for these two stalwarts of the seniors. They fought back valiantly from 4 down to ultimately loose out 2 & 1.

And then there was Team Ian. There apparently is no I in team, however any Peebles squad without it's Team Ian is the poorer for it. A last minute reshuffle in the running order saw Ian Pemberton & Ian Mewett slip back in the schedule to their preferred slot - last out. However the reward was to be matched against Carnwath's best pairing ! Irrespective of their opponents handicap Team Ian battled the entire round and secured a valiant half point.

The history books will therefore show a superb Pebbles win 4½ - 1½ victory. Thanks guys, what a fantastic  kick off to 2018.

Next match is home against North Berwick Tuesday 1st May, opponents we beat home & away in 2017. Team sheet will be posted next Tuesday 17th April. That's the same day as our open senior scramble. If you haven't already entered there are still slots available.

In the event that the spring has still not sprung by May Day - I have opted for some swinging fun with the sun on my back out in Turkey. Thus David Wright will be OIC for the match.



Lots to look forward to with our new season less than 48 hours away.

Can I bring to your attention that with the new season comes knockout competitions. Specifically for us seniors there is the Mascot Bond. This as with all other similar comps this is entered via the club computer, accessed in the foye. The fee is automatically collected from your bar balance, the draw is made after the closing date for entries and then posted on our notice board.

Good luck to us all.




As promised a further two new fixtures have been secrued for the 2018 season. We will play Carnwath home and away. Respectively Tuesday 10th April & Fridat 7th September.

Updated listing below -

Tuesday 10th April 2018 -                                      Carnwath @HOME

Tuesday 1st May 2018 -                                 North Berwick @ HOME

Monday 7th May 2018 -                                        St Boswell @ AWAY

Tuesday 22nd May 2018 -                            Broomieknowe @ AWAY

Tuesday 29th May 2018 -                                             Minto @ HOME

Thursday 14th June 2018 -                                Torwoodlee @ HOME

Monday 23rd July 2018 -                                    Torwoodlee @ AWAY

Tuesday 21st August 2018 -                                 Glencorse @ HOME

Tuesday28th August 2018 -                              West Linton @ HOME

Friday 7th September 2018 -                                Carnwath @ AWAY

Tuesday 18th September 2018 -                                 Minto @ AWAY

Wednesday 17th October 2018 -                  North Berwick @ AWAY